Hi everyone,

I have completed the conversion of the main map style in JOSM to the MapCSS format [1]. The new style (which should ideally look about the same as the old one) is activated by default since version 7139. For comparison, the original XML style is still available in the map paint dialog [2].

Please don't hesitate to report anything strange or erroneous. You can add a comment in the meta ticket #9691 [3], or just open a new ticket. There are some minor intentional changes, e.g. the priorities for objects with multiple main tags may have changed. For example a node tagged as amenity=restaurant & tourism=hotel used to show a restaurant icon and now shows a hotel icon. This can also be reported if you think the new priorities are wrong and should be fixed.

Why did we switch? Well, almost all of our newer user contributed styles [4] are written in MapCSS. Compared to the XML format, MapCSS was more powerful when it was introduced and has been constantly extended and improved. Even the performance is now on par, after a number of optimizations in this month. So there is simply no reason to stick to the solid, but somewhat dusty XML format. Instead we should use the options of the new format to enhance the default style.

Anyone is invited to contribute ideas, styles, patches, etc.! They can be submitted in ticket #10043 [5].

[1] http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Mapcss
[2] https://josm.openstreetmap.de/wiki/Help/Dialog/MapPaint
[3] https://josm.openstreetmap.de/ticket/9691
[4] https://josm.openstreetmap.de/wiki/Styles
[5] https://josm.openstreetmap.de/ticket/10043


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