Hi Vincent,

The idea behind requiresSomeAction() was to display a message like "use the layer context menu to store modified data" to tell the user that there is more than "save session", "delete/exit now", and "cancel". Kind of an "other ways to handle modified data" information in the SaveLayersDialog. Just as information, not as real Java action. But it might be too much information at that place.

Should I prepare a patch or just create a ticket?


On 2015-12-30 at 19:08 +0100 Vincent Privat wrote:
isAbleToUploadToServer() and isAbleToSaveToFile() sound fine.

Concerning the "action" string I don't know: what would you propose as
action in your case?

2015-12-28 16:44 GMT+01:00 Holger Mappt:
Would it make sense to add something like requiresSomeAction() to
AbstractModifiableLayer and Main.saveUnsavedModifications()?  The "action"
could be a string that is displayed in the SaveLayersDialog.

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