
Which style are you using?

MapCSS styles can be pretty fast. It depends on the style you used how
fast it really is. You can use --trace to display the rendering times
(style preparation and actual drawing)

Some things to keep in mind for style performance:
- [key=value] selectors use a fast lookup. Use them as much as you can.
- [key] selectors (and other selectors requiring the presence of a key)
are only taken into account for that single key.
- * selectors are very expensive.
- Avoid complex expressions

Style computation is cached. The most dominant work is to actually paint
the image. Those are things you should avoid:
- Dashed lines
- Texts, especially texts on ways
- Icons
- Multiple draw passes per element (outlines, ...)

So you should get MapCSS drawing pretty fast by creating your own style.


PS: In my opinion, we should even remove the wireframe mode. MapCSS can
handle those simple things almost as fast as the current wireframe

Am 28.03.2016 um 14:49 schrieb Ilya Zverev:
> Hi,
> Two weeks ago XML style and the corresponding infrastructure were removed 
> from JOSM (see https://josm.openstreetmap.de/ticket/12282). I was a frequent 
> user of that style, because it is much faster than the MapCSS one. Especially 
> when there are hundreds thousands of nodes in a view.
> Today I've tried to fix the multipolygon relation of lake Ladoga: 
> https://josm.openstreetmap.de/ticket/12282 (2k members), and when zoomed out, 
> JOSM works with 1 frame per 5 seconds, even for button presses. A month ago I 
> would just enable the XML style and proceed to fix the relation. Now the only 
> options seems to be enabling the wireframe mode. But it is too bare for any 
> serious work.
> So, is there a way to have a custom build with XML styles or to enable these 
> the hard way?
> Did removing XML styles make anything better in JOSM?
> IZ
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