
I'm writing a plugin that processes a number of images after a menu item was selected. What is the right way to do that in a way that doesn't block the GUI with an indication of the progress? I guess I have to run some kind of task that updates the progress after every image. Then some GUI component displays a progress bar (with an optional cancel button). I implemented something that is based on javax.swing.ProgressMonitor and javax.swing.SwingWorker according to the code sample from the Java tutorial (https://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/uiswing/examples/components/ProgressMonitorDemoProject/src/components/ProgressMonitorDemo.java), but it's not working. The progress window opens after the 101st image and then blocks the execution of the task.

What is the recommended JOSM way to do that? Is there a good example where I can learn from? JOSM has a ProgressMonitor interface and some classes that implement it, but there is no documentation and the plugins I looked at are quite complex with an endless chain of subroutines. Any help is appreciated.


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