
thanks a lot, I do have the answer. The script is not generic.

Have a nice day,

On 05/09/2018 02:50 PM, Michael Zangl wrote:
> Hi,
> About your concrete example: There are several questions to think of:
> * Is your functionality a generic task? (in your case, this would be
> something like "create a convex hull")
> * Is that functionality required by a lot of users?
> * Is your functionality approved by the community? Or will there be
> objections? In your case, you should especially mind if your plugin
> creates "correct" results and if it can be applied by a unexperienced
> user without creating incorrect data.
> * Does it integrate into JOSM in an intuitive way? We try not to add
> more buttons to the main menu. A nice example is the reworked download
> dialog last year: It added some overpass download features while at the
> same time making the UI easier to understand.
> So if there is a place where this feature could be included that does
> not interfere with other functionality (e.g. in a preset, ...) and is
> universally usable, it can/should be included in core. In your case, the
> script is so special that it may be very useful for other people doing
> exactly the task you do, but not for the general audience of JOSM. This
> is why a plugin is best in this case.
> There are several more reasons why we add a functionality to core. They
> include:
> * It is a function that allows basic access to the Openstreetmap data.
> Like the notes layer: There are probably relatively few people using it
> and it would be easy to extract to a plugin, but it is a traditional
> feature of the OSM website.
> * It is a function that many other plugins / workflows may depend on.
> Like downloading Data using Overpass.
> * It is a feature that is used by JOSM internally and where providing it
> for the user just means an other button, but not maintaining more code.
> Like the Join overlapping Areas tool.
> * The author of that functionality had core commit access and just was
> too lazy to write a plugin for it. One example I did are the color
> filters on imagery layers (mainly because they required core
> modifications any way and were much easier to integrate that way).
> Michael
> On 09.05.2018 07:25, Jiri Hubacek wrote:
>> Dear JOSM devs,
>> I would like to ask question about the JOSM enhancements. Where is the
>> line between functionality acceptable upstream and the feature that
>> should be in separate plugin?
>> The concrete example - I wrote some script for automatic creation of
>> residential area around the selected buildings. I rewrote it to Java to
>> be able to push it upstream but it looked too specific to be included in
>> "Tools" menu. So I created the plugin (mapathoner). Are there any
>> guidelines for these decisions?
>> Thanks,
>> jiri

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