Eddy chettan's coconuts-Achayan
Hi eddy chetto,
I saw the appreciation of the JY web site, including
the Bishop of Kanjirappally.
I see the changing face of the Youth but dont see
many changes in some of your web pages. 
Its high time you change the metaphor to convey your
valuable message.
Like me, so many of us are counting your coconuts
since jan.2001. Its time for a change, may be an
But eddy, let me advice you, if  you dont take it
personal and as an offence.

I come from a family of coconut growers, but the
situation of the coconut farmers in Kerala is
pathetic, there is no coconuts to count.No more
climbers to pluck them, no more moopanmar to
supervise. Your metaphor is a nostalgic dream from the

The coconut culture is dying in Kerala, it is no more
the national tree of Kerala, and we import coconut
from Tamil Nadu and Srilanka.

Pest called manderi infest the trees, from north to
south, all the trees are dying, and the livelihood of
many farmers are in ruin.

In this scenario, I feel, your metaphor has not much
of meaning.
Rather you could explain to the JY youth, the musical
rhythm of the Toddy harvesters, beating tapping the
spathe of the coconut tree.
(Toddy, if JY youngsters dont know, is the sweet
sap-an alcoholic drink, obtained by tapping the spathe
of the tree.)
Now most of the farmers are giving their trees for
harvesting Toddy.

(I must admit its real natural; clean, sweet,
alcoholic drink- but Hi JY guys dont pick on this,
already you had enough discussion on drinking).
Forgive me eddy, Achayan may be a fool, not a wise man
to understand the meaning of the spiritual rhythm,
try to express your ideas in simple language, rather
in your powerful eloquence.

BTW.Fr Pallis letter-Is it meant to wish a Merry Xmas
till the end of millennium??
Will we able to march on till the end?

A simple, not very bright, Achayan

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