Please Drop your Rods: Joy netters-Achayan

Hi guys, 
Dont beat me more with your Rods, I beg Eddy Chettan
,Mathew and other Heads of JYs, to take it easy, Stop
beating me with your "Amsavadi-(I donot know the
English word 4 it. ) 
It brings me the verse 1 Corinth.4:21, St paul asking
the Corinth fellaws, whether you want me to come with
the Rod or in love and spirit of gentleness.

My dear Mathew, Have you given each JYs a rod each, to
beat those who they dislike? Teach them the spirit of
love and gentleness.
I asked your forgiveness, I wrote my letters thinking
that it was an open forum; if there was some negative
words  there, did it bring any positive result?
Discern yourself.

We talk a lot about faith and love etc, but thats all
big talk. 

Hi JY guys, there is big difference in talking the
right words and living them out. Dont think that you
have  right answers to everything, No one has, except
the Lord.
So pleeeaaaase dont beat me any more. I am much older
than you think, an old achayan, 
Much older than you Eddy, Mathew, but bit(much)
younger than Palli Achan-lol.
With love and prayers
May God Bless you all JY netters._Achayan

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