Hi all

Sorry once again for the attachment.I will try later.
Today was Diwali.HAPPY DIWALI.Now tody was a day on
which god taught me a small instance of how Satan
troubles us.

I had earlier asked the prayer request for a friend of
mine who was finding it difficult to go and confess to
a priest.Yesterday he had desired a great deal to
recieve christ during the mass.But since he had not
confessed a friend of mine asked him not to.

          Praised be the name of the Lord he made a
confession after one full year today morning.It took
about an hour and half for the confession.We had
diwali celebrations in our church and he had come for
the mass.Then this guy the DOUBT MAKER entered him and
he made remember a sin that he had committed and had
forgot to tell in the confession.He asked me and I
told him that it was enough to tell it in the next
confession.So now a man is saved and he ie DOUBT MAKER
get him into unnecessary problems.

I had also told you about the Doctor in our parish who
is active in the prolife ministry.he had also come and
I told my friends problem.He told us that when we have
such doubts ask the spirit "IN US" to reveal
everything to us.Thats my point the Holy Sprirt is in
each one of us.Jesus had told that the Holy Spirit is
given to you to be with you always.In one of the books
by Benny Hinn GOOD MORNING HOLY SPIRIT he tells about
this .So why dont we all just do this .He is the third
man of the holy Trinity.Each morning wish him

With Love and prayers in Christ.

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