Dear friends in Jesus
           Few days before I joined this joy net. I am nelson working in 
Saudi Arabia.  I came in Saudi in 1998 august. First two years I was working 
in a big city named –jubail. With in three months I became a part of a good 
catholic prayer group. Really it was a miracle.  Every Friday we around 40 
people gather together very secretly   to praise and worship our lord and 
master Christ. Many times god prepared his divine banquet and prepared his 
table even in this desert, a place where his name is completely banned. 
There I fond that how happy we will be if we are in the middle of god’s 
  Since February 2001 I am working in a small city named turaif, which is 
very near to Jordan border. As a project manager I have a lot of 
responsibilities here.  The evening before we started the project, I heard 
the mass in my Walkman and offer my project to sacred heart of Jesus. And I 
asked the lord to be the lord and master of our site. We have completed nine 
months and I found lord was with me every moment.
    Long time I was feeling lonely, because no one was here to pray with me 
or to help in my doubts or to share my faith.  I mean a Jesus youth or a 
good believer. But just two weeks ago I got the chance to be a part of every day when I open the joy net I can really feel the joy that 
I found only in Jesus youth groups. Really I was also madiyan before. Anyway 
I will forget my laziness and I made a decision that I will not only listen 
the mails but will start share my feelings also.
       I have read Anita’s mail. It is so beautiful anitha.when I go through 
your mail I found myself at the feet of our master. Really it helped me to 
kneel before the lord. Congrats for alexy and shiny for their bold step 
against abortion. We’ll pray for you so that miracle will happen in India.
   Many people are doing so much pain and hard work to build god’s church in 
Saudi, even though it is against Saudi law. Lot of prayer groups is active 
in different parts of Saudi. So please remember them in your prayers. I 
think I made a too lengthy one. If it is too boring please forgive me.
  With love
  Your friend in Jesus
      Nelson Abel
Saudi Arabia

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