Hi Guys et gals !!!

I guess I should not be silent just because I am tied up with the prep for
getting married !!!
Yup I am enjoying the last week of my cheerful bachelorhood and when the
clock strikes 1 on the next Sunday afternoon I would be a married man with
my lady standing at my side !!!

It's been quite an experience to prepare for a marriage. Believe me, it's a
huge project by itself, probably much different from the kind of other
projects I do at my work. In software development you always have a deadline
that you can always break and never meet !!! But when it comes to marriage
you have a drop-deadline which cannot be relaxed even by a few hours !! So
far things are going okay as per the check list that I have and I dunno if I
have missed out something in the checklist itself. But those are the little
worries I guess.

I experience that the best preparation for marriage is a good quality prayer
time that I can find daily. I find that it's the best way to plan my prep
for the marriage. I feel that I am doing justice to my prep only when I sit
down and pray. Whenever I miss the prayers, whatever I do, I feel it's
incomplete and not to mention the confusion and frustrations that arise. I
am sure if I can make a good confession and a holy communion, my face would
get a better glow than by going to a beautician !!

In the wake of the discussions on the Prolife and Family Planning
discussions, it would be apt if I share my own experience (don't mistake me,
I have only theories with me, not any practical experience !!!) of attending
the marriage preparation course. I am sure along with me, Rose, my fiancée
is also very much confused about this topic. For us it was pretty amusing to
note the difference in the views of the two resource persons who handled the
sessions on Family Planning during the course we attended. When a priest
took the session he was talking on all good theories, urging the young
looking-forward-to-get-married pairs to plan their family only through NFP.
Any of the so called artificial methods for family planning is forbidden by
the church.

But when a married lady, a doctor that too a gynecologist, by profession,
handled the session she suggested to stay away from those artificial methods
that are of abortive nature (e.g.. Copper T method) as such methods do the
killing of life. She said we have a moral responsibility of not crowding the
planet with too many offspring; so Family Planning is an act of social
responsibility. And any method is fine as long as it does not take away a

Now I have a couple of questions.

1. If non abortive contraceptive methods are called as artificial and they
are forbidden, then is NFP too not artificial? For a couple, the conjugal
act is for sharing their love and if they abstain from it during the fertile
period with an intention of not having any offspring, why not it becomes

2. Is it not the intention of doing something makes it sinful or not ? If at
all it becomes sinful, why based on the method  whether it is artificial or
natural? Does it not become sinful when the couple decide not to have any
children, no matter they use NFP or any artificial (non abortive) method?
(I agree abortive methods are sinful as it's murderous by nature)

Please do write to me. I wish to take lessons from the experienced hands !!!

And dear pals, do not forget to pray for me and Rose.
Hey, I wish to see you guys at the wedding banquet !!

With Love and Prayers
Ps: Thanks a million to Suresh for give a spark to the JOYnet.
I can see that it's buring now, with a lot of love and joy through mails !!!

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