A testimony of Sheila


Dear Friends in Jesus Christ,
        The jesus youth of Ahmedabad had organised a growth retreat 
called 'Bethel'. I had gone for it. I just want to testify what experience 
I got from that. I wanted to have a feeling that I had never got 
before. So, right from the first day  I kept praying for that special 
       The last day just before us leaving the place, father made 25 of 
us sit in a circle on chairs  & the remaining of the 25 were standing 
beside us with hands over the ones on the chair. I was the one sitting 
on the chair. Hoping to recieve something. We all  were praising aloud 
the name of jesus. I prayed with full faith not thinking of anything 
around me.  Father, C.C.,Alex were moving about praying over us. Suddenly 
I could feel some type of cramps(the thing we usually get on our feet) 
on my nose & my lips. It was a funny thing.I never ever felt that 
before.I thought it was my hair onto my face.Then when father put his hand 
on my head I got that feeling on my hands & then on my whole body. It 
started increasing tremenduosly.I felt an electric shock . My god! It was 
...I cannot express it.My hands ,legs & whole body fell weak . I was 
concious about everything around me but JUst too weak to stand or even 
open my eyes. Father came up to me and told me to sit in a corner. L!
ater we stood up for praising again, I started feeling that feeling 
again It was so strong that I fell onto someone else on the ground flat. 
Then I got up with someones help and rested for a while.  
       This is the first time in my whole life I ever felt such a thing 
before. Because of this retreat I have gained a lot spiritually. I 
thank all the people who have prayed for the success of this retreat, 
organisers and all the preachers who helped us . 
                      From sheila george. 

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