My prayer buddy assumes  that i dont love her .
She accuses me of having   time for everyone in the
world but not her...
& she complains that in every mail she sends to me 
..& i cooly ignore her warnings(dont get ideas that i
am  taking her for granted ha )
Cos the only consolation that I have is that   she
loves me  as I am 
Thanks So much Sandra for your understanding. 
May I have the Pleasure to introduce Sandra Misquitta
-my prayer buddy .
A simple little gal...yet her face radiants Gods love
for others 
Must share this incident with ull:
Giju was confused on who could be my prayer buddy 
He asked me to pray while he was making the decision 
Then he says welchy ....choose between a flower &
candle ...
I chose the candle ,,,,,he congratulated me saying
that Sandra was the person I was looking out 
So u see i made the right choice :-)
Sandra a software personnel  comes from Mumbai ..she
hasn't been noisy person at the net ..yet she has been
interceding quietly for all of us .Thanks Sandra for
all your prayers .
We have many a things in common of the striking
similarity is that we both are spinsters of the same
age ;-)
She is at the moment in banglore ..missing her family
here in mumbai .
Sandra how I wish u could be here for Xmas in Mumbai
!!!pls come back soon 
She reads me well too..(on the mail)..praise God~~~~
Yes Sandra u were right i was indeed thinking of my
charming prince riding on a horse when i slipped &
fell  . Yeh the back aches have aggregated after the
fall ;-)
Once again thanks to Joynet & Abba Father ..i have a
wonderful soul mate who interceeds for me day in  &

Wanna have a nice prayer Buddy like mine ..send the
quickie to Mathew Joseph as soon as possible 
IN Jesus 

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