Dear beloved of the Lord,

This is in continuation of my e-mail inviting all the
Jesus Youth's in Bangalore.

Please continue to pray for the "Kootayima" - one day
gathering of all JY's at DVK Auditorium Hall,
Dharmaram College, next to Christ College on 9th
December.2001 from 9.00 a.m. to 5.00 a.m..

Please do invite all the JY's whomever you know
alongwith their family for this gathering. We are
expecting a gathering of 500 people.

I want you all to mark this day especially for this
program which will include Eucharistic and Christmas
Celebration. So, don't miss it.

I want you all to take this as a personal invitation.

We need your prayer support for this gathering as a
topmost priority.

Please do contact me for further details through
e-mail or through my residence phone no. - 5476891.

With love and prayers,
Your's in Jesus,
Biji James
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