Dear JOYnetters

Suru (Suresh) has ignited the fire in the JOYnet with subjects such as Birth 
control, Contraception, etc.  It was indeed a fruitful discussion.

To continue the discussion and to keep the fire on, Fr. Thomas Mathew has 
posted another interesting subject: Human cloning and the ethical problems.  
No doubt, this is going to be another interesting discussion.

Common JOYnetters, let us have another fruitful discussion on this.

Suru, are you listening to me?

With prayerful regards

sebastian thomas
True wisdom begins and ends with God

From: "Thomas Mathew" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [JOYnet] Human Cloning and the ethical problems to share
Date: Tue, 27 Nov 2001 02:49:21 +0000


Human Cloning and the ethical Ramifications.



“How wonderful it would be to become wise” Gen3.6



Last year, I was in the doctor’s lounge in one of the famous Hospitals in
California and my friends were sharing the possibilities of human
cloning. One of the Doctors said, “Before long we will have technology
and facilities that would promote longer and more productive lives.” in
lieu of the possibilities of human cloning.  The Doctors discussed the
upcoming possibilities of healing many sick people through Genetic
engineering. The doctors talked about how human cells could be attained
from cloned humans. Some Doctors were for the Research where as the
others objected and raised moral issues and some of them looked at me as
though I am the authority on this topic.


At present as I understand from the aborted fetus, scientists harvest
human cells to repair the ill parts of human body. This has developed to
be a  good and promising business too.  (Please correct me if I am
wrong).  I don’t have the technical terms in this field. Anyone who has
the technical language and the right terminology might chip in to help.


As I heard in the News, human cloning is possible now.  A new human
person could be developed. We have the knowledge and the

Technology to clone a human person.  I think it is good to talk about
this most recent form of scientific development that might change our
attitudes, ideas and even perceptions of morality. The stage is open with
the camera, lights and sound on. Share your views and talk about this
topic. This is a young and developing field of science.  It could be
beneficial to talk about the possibilities of doing research staying
within the confines and directives of the Church.  I find it difficult to
kill an embryo, which is a potential human being to assist a fully-grown
human being who is ill. The issue is “Is it lawful ! to kill to
construct?”. If you think other issues are involved, please don’t
hesitate to share them.


Another angle we might look into is the possibility of scientific
research. If we do not allow this research, many people who might
otherwise live for a longer period of time may loose their chances to
live to materialize their dreams. How ethical is the attitude that “It is
Ok for a man to die for the good of the majority?”  I think this new
discussion could be like opening the Pandora’s box, but I feel that this
discussion might benefit us as good people of God.  Besides as Jesus
youth let us share our views and see how we could fit into the tea!
chings of Jesus and the Church mindful that God’s unseen Hands are
guiding and directing every form of research and development.


President Bush and the United States Government are taking steps to halt
the research from cloning a human being. I have listened to Dr. West the
CEO of the Research Center and he said that this research will benefit
many a sick people, especially people with Parkinson’s disease and
similar disabilities for which there is no remedy yet, in the sense, this
scientific break through is for the good of humanity.


The segment of Ethics considers this human cloning as an act of violating
Human Dignity, in the sense we are creating a human being for the purpose
of destroying that life so as to aid an ailing person to live a healthy
life.  I think it is time for a lively discussion on this topic. We have
tossed the Contraceptive measures and family planning issues. We voiced
our views on those pertinent and related topics from the faith
perspective as well and the sharing contributed to a very healthy and
lively discussion, which was both informative and educational.  We talked
in detail about! the gift of life. Now there is another angle at which we
could view the Gift of Life.


The latest news tells us that human cloning is possible. The scientists
were able to clone Human Embryo, as I understood from the News. The new
cell lived. No one knows the parameters of this research and desired
outcome. Is it beneficial to ignore and or to give a cold shoulder to
this scientific research? Is God behind this human cloning? If we don’t
participate in this research will the coming generation hold us
responsible for blocking an otherwise break through in human history.  If
we don’t cooperate as the Children of God in this research will this go
on and what could be the outcome of this research? Share your views.
Share them freely.


We might go wrong in our views. I think it is Ok to go wrong. We will
accept our mistakes with all humility. We might anger some people, when
share our views. I think that is part of the game. But we don’t have to
upset anyone personally and intentionally. It is a healthy attitude not
to take issues too personal so as to get hurt.  I think we are maturing
in this aspect.  We are learning to walk in this field of healthy
discussion. The guideline and attitude for the discussion on this topic
of human cloning could be that of mutual respect, if I may say. We might
come up with intelligent views, but if ! the intelligent ideas are carved
in angry and or abusive language, instead of helping each other we might
be uncharitable to one another.   May God guide our thoughts and words in
this discussion on human cloning?  I think many new ideas could be
brought out in our discussion. Respectfully I submit this topic for a God
guided discussion to uplift our ideas and attitudes.


The Book of Genesis says, “How wonderful it would be to become wise”
Genesis 3.6.  The first parents were tricked by Evil and they wanted to
be like God. Do we tend to be wise like Adam and Eve in cloning the
Humans? Let us talk.


God Bless

Fr. Thomas Mathew


November 26th, 2001


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