God bless you all.
>From my life...

When I broke his hands?

If my recollection is correct it happened when I was
studying in 8th or 9th Standard. I always remember
Agnes teacher, whenever I remember St. Albert's H.S.
because she loved us and then she taught us. She was
the head of our class.

It was the time of 'Youth Festival'. We a group of
students joined in Speech Competition. Among them he
was there - Jeffry - from an Anglo-Indian family, he
was so wonderful, very active, from another division
of same Standard. We all were in such a happy mood. We
all were practicing speech in a 'Youthful way'. Some
under the desk, some on the desk, some on teacher's
table... jumping, dancing & laughing while referring
the subject for speech. Jeffry was standing on the
desk. He acted like a politician who speaks to his
followers. To make everybody laugh I simply shook the
desk. I just tried to frighten him, but what happened
is he fell down from the desk. He didn't cry. He
painfully said "Oh! My stomach" then he said "My hands
are also in pain". Everybody thought another joke, but
soon the scene changed. Teachers came, and as I was a
coward I ran away, worrying what happened to Jeffry.

Later I came to know that both of his hands are
fractured and around two months I put him in difficult
situation, he missed that joyfull youth festival,
classes, weekend exam etc..

The more painful matter was nobody in school
questioned or punished me for that incident. His
parents never came searching me. I was waiting for a
punishment from my teachers. Evening when all the
student left to there home, I was afraid that may be
his parents waiting for me at the gate. But nothing
happened as I afraid. Afterwards we never met face to
face, I think so. It is time to leave school. We
finished our school life in 1990. All of us left
school, all scattered here and there, college years
passed very soon.

I joined in Don Bosco ITC. There I met my old friend
again. He greeted me with a warm smile. He came there
at Don Bosco Youth Centre. Most evenings he came there
because he lived nearby. We talked a lot and on the
way I said to friends "I am the person who broke his
hands". He laughed and said, "Yes". I asked him "why
nobody caught me?" "Even your parents didn't come
searching me!" He smiled and said that he was not at
all angry with me, so informed nothing to teachers.
His parents were ready to catch me, but he discouraged
them. I got answers for the questions, which I asked
years before. I was silent for a while. How kind he

"We will see later..." did words came out properly? I
don't think so. Very soon I was in chapel. I raised
eyes and looked my Jesus. I didn't saw him there
because my eyes... full of tears. I felt hot tears
running out... then I saw Jesus clearer than ever.

I broke his hands...but he broke my heart.
He said nothing, but he taught me lot.

With lots of lov & prayers
Smiju joseph, abu dhabi

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