This was something that I found in my old Sunday School book.The pages of this book 
have turned yellow with age, but the message is still stong and powerful.

 Even When...By R.M. Hughes

  Even when I do not love Him,He loves me,

  Even when I forget Him ,He remembers me,

  Even when I am angered at Him ,He is patient with me,

   Even when I mistreat Him, He is merciful to me,

   Even when I turn my back on HIm, He faces me,

   Even when I do not pray to Him,He speaks to me,

   Even when I am frightened,He reassures me,

   Even When I die ,I will live in His glory,


   Dear friends it feels so nice to know that we have such a wonderful and loving  
God, who died for us  when we were still so far from Him.

                    Love in Jesus,

                             Nandita Carvalho (New Zealand)
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