
There is one other thing. Cloning is not just creating an offspring or another
person from someone. Currently, making an exact copy of a human being is
impossible, but many plan to accomplish this, and they claim that they could
do it within 10 years. It is this, what the religious and political leaders
are afraid of, and many scientists too protest against this. The goat cloned
(Dolly) was an exact copy. That made them confident to do the same with man,
or try to do. They are very confident that they could achieve this goal within
10 years, so let us hope that they would get to their senses as we all know
the dangers of making clones.
This is not my idea. I got this information from the newspaers and comments by
experts. Maybe it is wrong, but I am not sure. Either way, it is a nightmare
come true.

God bless all


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