Dear Friends,

     Our Lady revealed at Fatima that She came because: “ God wishes to 
establish in the world devotion to My Immaculate Heart.”

        The leprous Syrian nobleman refused to bathe in the Jordan, at the 
command of the prophet Eliseus, because he could not understand. Where there 
not better rivers in his own country?

     And are there not greater things we might do in this computer age than 
take refuge in the immaculate heart of Mary?

      But look at our leprosy. It is far more terrible than leprosy of the 
body. It is leprosy of turning away from God. And as we fail to cry out for 
His Mercy, we ourselves call down His Justice.

          But our Lord revealed to Blessed Faustina, this is a time of 
exceptional Mercy. Little Jacinta, youngest of the Fatima children expressed 
“He has entrusted the peace of the world to Holy Mother,”  He had sent our 
Redeemer through Her. Now He wills that we bathe in the river of Her love 
and be delivered from our leprosy.

            Our Lady said that the reason our Heavenly Mother and Queen was 
sent to mankind at Fatima is because “Only she can save them.”

         Most writers substitute: “ Only She can help,” because in an 
absolute sense only GOD can save. But the Portuguese words Our Lady spoke, 
exactly as Lucia recorded them are: “Porque so Ela lhes podera valer.” This 
means only She can save – or protect. (Documentos de Fatima, by Fr. Antonio 
Martins, S.J., pg. 339).

             Why did Our Lady use words, which might cause us to hesitate to 
quote them for fear they might be considered “untheological,” or be 

       Little Jacinta told us why. She said, as a matter of fact: “ God has 
entrusted the peace of the world to Her”.

      Again, we may ask why. The answer is BECAUSE THIS IS GOD’S PLAN.
We deserve annihilation. He has given us THE MOTHER – the Mother of the 
Savior, whom the Savior Himself gave us from the Cross – to save us from 

   She can ask little things, which She can offer up with the Passion of Her 
son, from Her Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart, and thereby blind Satan, and 
turn aside the just wrath of God. She told the children over and over to say 
Rosary. She even used the words: “ You must say the Rosary”.  Why? Because 
it is the little thing possible to children and adults, to young and old. 
Yet it touches upon the mysteries of God and causes Him to see us not in the 
black of our evil but in the light of Her love, in the blinding purity of 
Her Immaculate Heart.

    And that is why She held the Scapular out of the sky at the climax of 
the miracle performed, “so that all may believe.”

   “She wants all to wear it,” said Lucia, “it is the sign of consecration 
to Her Immaculate Heart.” It is a cloak not only to protect us but also to 
show us before God as Her children, for whom she suffered with Jesus on 
Calvary. How could His Justice annihilate these children under Her mantle of 

        “Oh, blessed words: “ ONLY SHE CAN SAVE YOU!” Oh , words of God’s 
Mercy!- the Marcy Which cried out from the Cross: “ BEHOLD YOUR MOTHER!” let 
us never hesitate to use them and to shout them to the world: “Only SHE can 
save you!” Listen to Her! She can save you with little, easy things. God’s 
Merciful plan has made this possible” (John M. Haffert).

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