Hi friends

It is me again from lanka !!!!!!!!

As you are all exited to know latest news about Sri Lanka - LTTE problem
some updates for you. More than 20 years of war which killed around 60,000
and damaged whole north region of Sri Lanka Now both Govt & LTTE is back
to peace and political settlement. These days any where from corporate offices
to fish market all talking about peace process, There is a hope in all faces that
Sri Lanka will return to peace and prosperity in near future. This Month is specially
devoted for peace and all religions having special prayers for a long lasting
peace in the country. Please pray for Sri Lanka.

Joy net Gatherings : So happy to hear than all UAE Joy netters are gathering on
6th of December. Hope it will be nice experience for all participants. Is it possible
for somebody to do a 'LIVE' update from the meeting hall to Joy net. Mathew, Giju,
Abraham, is it possible for a Live chat that time....

I am wondering why our joy net is not active sharing X mas memories, sharing, carols,
etc etc... It is high time for us to share some thing about Christmas. When I hear about
Xmas first thing coming in mind is the Xmas breakfast we had those days, when I was
child Xmas day morning mother make a special hoppers and Beef curry. Very young age
it was the main attraction for me. Then bamboo stars, Night carols, Midnight mass,
crackers etc etc.... Being in Sri Lanka past 5 years I couldn't be at my home on
Christmas season... This year also same.... Anyway guys pls share ur Xmas
memories with us......

Luv, Suresh

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