Prayer for the terrorists http://jesusyouth.org/joynet/dec20.html
Dear JY brethren,

Frankly speaking 20th was a less preferred day by my
human mind, reason being the day is a FRIDAY where we
have our weekly off, and we look forward to a sumptous
lunch. But our Good LORD gave me strength to skip the
lunch. In the morning i had a small cup of black coffe
only. (excuse me for that)
We had the JY gathering in the morning wherein we
announced to the group, to atleast pray if not fast.

I was ready by 4.30 pm, 2 other JY friends also came
at the same time, One guy was already there. So we
were about 4 joined together to form a small group and
prayed for all the Terrorists in the World, thus
becoming a small part of the JY's around the world who
prayed at that moment.

Initially we readout the designated prayer, and then
we had a small praise and worship session. 
The reflection which came to my mind immediately was
about the families of these so-called terrorist, How
much suffering they have to undergo.

This small prayer session has made the Lord's spirit
in me to grow much stronger that i can now pray for
the terrorists. 
All the hatred which was in my mind due to the Sept 11
and Indian Parliament attacks have gone. I pray to the
Lord to give me the strength daily to maintain my love
towards them.

Let our LORD Jesus Christ bless them like any other
God's Children and show them the Light of LIFE and

Thank you very Lord JESUS and thank you very much JY
brethren for this beautiful prayer and the initiative
taken for this cause. 

I am not for such prayer on a weekly basis as I fear
then it will become just a part of the usual
commitments. Instead it should be done before a
particular occasion/event and with specific causes
like this. This is just a opinion and Anycase anything
is acceptable to me.

Yours loving in Christ
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