“Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no
other name under heaven given  to men by which we must
be saved” Act 4:12

Name is a title  by which a person, place or thing is
known. There are millions of names in this  world, 
and everyone esteems the name he or she bears. Even if
it is not too important to others, it is certainly
important for the bearer. However, some other names
are greatly respected by others, such as the names of
Kings, presidents, governors, etc.
        Although there are so many names that matters, there
is the name that matters most. The name is an
incomparable name. There is healing, salvation and
deliverance in this name. This name is a strong tower
where the righteous  run into and become saved. And it
is the only name under heaven given to men by which we
must be saved. What is this name? JESUS! Can I hear
you shout this name?
        There are uncountable names in this world but the
name of Jesus is greater. Why? This is so because God
Himself exalted this name. “Therefore God exalted him
to the highest place and gave him the name that is
above every other name, that at the name of Jesus
every kneel should bow, in heaven and on earth  and
under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus 
Christ is Lord to the glory of God the father
        Through this name Peter and John made the crippled
man who sat at the temples gate to walk again, Philip
caused a lot of havoc in Samaria in this name, and it
was also in this name that Paul proclaimed the
goodness and casted out demon. (Acts 3:6; 8:1-40;
        Jesus  has assured us that He would do whatever we
ask for in His name (Jn 14:13), He further promised
that “these signs will accompany  those who believe;
“In my name they will drive out demons, they will pick
up snakes with their hands, and when  they drink
deadly poison it will not hurt them at all, they will
place their hands on the sick and they will get well”
(Mk 16: 17 – 18). Let us therefore uphold this
wonderful name that is above other names. God will not
disappoint us.
        However, why has so many people called on this name
and nothing happened? Why is it that this name  seem
not to be as powerful as it was in the days of the
earlier  apostles? (To be continued). 

With Love from

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