hi  folks,  

 to   be  honest  i  love  simplicity...

a  good  character  &  humble  virtue......from my  childhood  i  used  to  look on  
to my  elder  sisters   for  a  model  ( i`m  the  youngest  in  family) ,  and  the  
visible  virtue  that  i  always  noticed in  them  was  simplicity,,,.i  remember 
when  i  was  in school, i  copied  an  inspiring  quote  from  my  sister`s  diary, 
which  i    used  to  print  on  the  first  page  of  most  of  my  books.. " 
SIMPLICITY  IS  THE  BEST  ORNAMENT  OF  LIFE"  &  I   believe  i  tried  hard  to  
follow  the  same.....

           i  mean  simplicty  in life,  in  soul  ,  mind   &  external  appearance  
too......  (  mind  ,  the  people  who  knows  me  may  say  ..we never  found  u  as 
simple...well,  this  is  my  dream &  wish...  hi  hi  )

        Psalmist  say  in 131,      "" I  am  not   concerned  with  great  affairs  
or  marvels  beyond  my  scope.

              Enough  for  me  to  keep  my  soul  tranquil and  quiet  like  a  child 
 in  its  mother`s  arms,  as  content  as  a  child  that  has  been  weaned.."" 

                 the   simplicity  of  our  sweet  virgin  mary    is  good  
example,,,her  simple  heart,   simple  thoughts ,  simple  life,,,simple 
discipleship,,,,,yah...  isnt  she  marvelous  in  her  humble  virtue..?! how  sweet  
she  is....!!!!



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