Fellow Joynetters,

The story of Samson and Delilah in Judges 16 is one
that requires some moment of sober reflection. Samson
the strong who was anointed by God to deliver Israel
from the hands of the Philistines sudenly became an
object of scorn in Gaza-the capital of Philistine.
This great man of God who destroy thousands of
Philistines soldiers and posed great threat to their
ruling authority sudenly became powerless and
incapacitated. What made is so? Delilah!

After Samson had met Delilah the Philistine girl whom
he loved more than his life and people, the story
became a different one. This so called love made
Samson the man of God to reveal the source of his
strenght to a daughter of his enemies. And
eventually,she lured Samson into a deep sleep on her
lapse and had his hairs barbed. Samson was
subsequently captured by his enemies who had his eyes
removed. To make it even worst the great man of God
became a grinder and an entertainer of Philistines his
enemy. Oh Samson is that how you ended!?

It is a pity that this man of God ended this way, but
it is much more pitiful for so many who are following
the footstep of Samson the strong. There are so many
people today who have lost their Christian 
consecration, anointing and ministry ever since they
met some "Delilahs " in thier lives. Who is that
person that is the Delilah in your life? who is that
man or woman that has held you  in bondage in
immorality. In the name of prayer partner, follow-up
and marriage, so many youths have been deeply involved
in fornication, adultry and other immoral acts.

No wonder you cannot pray as you use to  do before, no
wonder you have lost the burden of preaching the good
news and now wonder the annointing of God has  left
your life. Therefore wake up from the laps of that 
Delilah before she strips you of your strenght. Get up
before it becomes too late for you, for this is the
day of salvation and the hour to be saved and set


Jude S.C. Asogwa

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