
                          VIRGIN  (c.710-777)


        St.Walburga`s  father,  St.Richrad,  was   a   king  of  the  west  Saxons  in 
 today`s  Devonshire.,  and  her  mother  Winna  a  sister  of  St.Boniface,  the  
great  Apostle  of   Germany .W hen  her  father  and  two  brothers  ,  St.Willibald 
and  St.Winibald  were  starting  a   pilgrimage  to  holy  land  ,she  was  placed  
in  a  convent. at  the  age  of  11.  She  remained  there  for  26  years.  Then  in 
 748 , she  and  St.Lioba, together  with  a  large  number  of  other nuns,  were  
sent  over  to  Germany  at  the  request  of  her  uncle  St.Boniface, the  first  
written  instance  of  a  missionary  calling  nuns  to  his  aid.

                After  a  few  years`  training  at  the  Bischofsheim  convent,  
St.Walburga  was  made    Abbess  of  Heidenheim  in  Bavaria,  not  far  from  the  
monastery of  which  her favourite  brother  ,  St.Winibald,  was  the  head; and  
when  he  died  a  few   years  later,St.Walburga`s   outstanding  virtues  and  
prudence    caused  her to  be  assigned   to  goven  also  these  monks,  as  well  
as   her  own  nuns.Because   of  the  accounts  which  she  wrote  of  St.Winibald`s  
life  and  of  the  two  brothers`  pigrimage  to  Palestine   she  is  consisdered  
to  be  the  first  woman  -author  of  England  and  Germany.Many  miracles  are  
attributed  to  her,  both  during  her  life  timeand  after  heath  on  February 
25th,  777.


against coughs, against famine, against plague, against storms, Antwerp Belgium, 
boatmen, coughs, dog bites, Gronigen Holland, harvests, hydrophobia, mad dogs, 
mariners, Oudenarde Belgium, plague, rabies, sailors, storms, watermen, Zutphen 


                 " Asoul  often  wants  not  so  much  spurring  in  the  begining  of 
 her  conversion;  her  fervour  and  cheerfulness  make   her run  vigorously.But  
this  fervour,  unless  it  be  continually  nourished,  cools  by  degrees;  then  
the  devil  assails  her  with  all  his  might."  (  St.Tarasius)


                 Same  sort  of  characters  ,,professions, diseases   tend  to  run  
in  family      ,,its  fascinating  to  learn  that  sainthood  also  seem  to  be  
run  in  the  family?!!!!

Oh!  sweet  Eucharist  ! &   beloved  Mother     keep  me  as  thy  own.....

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