Hello family,

Since our dear Pope has asked us to observe Ash wednesday as a day of
fasting and prayer for peace why don't we observe one more day of prayer
for peace on Ash wednesday ?

This could serve as  this months' prayer day and one of the intentions for
it. I was just thinking
should we add  more 'peace intentions ' to this ..like  to pray for peace in
families..broken families..like that in our  Rosy 's mail. Right now we have
lot of such requests in our consolidated prayer requests from joynet itself.

Even though we have lot of discussions going on in Joynet, let's also try to
respond to mails like this; not forgetting that our prime responsibility is
to pray .

So please send in your suggestions soon.If we get all the responses by this
weekend , web team can upload it before time. Sanju, You wanna rework the
prayer after we get all such
'peace intentions '...?

In Joyful communion,
Chicago, USA.

> Dear in Christ,
> The Holy Father has declared March 05 (Ash Wednesday),
> a day of Special Prayers and Fasting for the World
> Peace.  Let us all join with the Holy Church and
> dedicate March 05 for this special intention.  The
> message of Pope is given below:
> Pope Declares Ash Wednesday a Day of Prayer and
> Fasting for Peace
> March 5 to Be Set Aside Especially for the Middle East
> VATICAN CITY, FEB. 23, 2003 (Zenit.org).- John Paul II
> called for a day of prayer and fasting for peace,
> especially in the Middle East, to be observed on Ash
> Wednesday, March 5.
> "For months the international community has been
> living in great apprehension because of the danger of
> a war that might disturb the whole of the Middle East
> region and exacerbate the tensions that,
> unfortunately, are already present at the beginning of
> the millennium," the Pope said today, explaining the
> reasons for his decision.
> The Holy Father made this announcement before praying
> the midday Angelus with the crowds gathered in St.
> Peter's Square.
> "It is a duty of believers, regardless of the religion
> to which they belong, to proclaim that we will never
> be able to be happy if we are against one another; the
> future of humanity will never be able to be assured by
> terrorism and the logic of war," the Pope continued.
> "We Christians, in particular, are called to be like
> guardians of peace in the places where we live and
> work," he explained. "We are asked, that is, to be
> alert, so that consciences will not yield to the
> temptation to egoism, falsehood and violence."
> Because of this, the Pontiff invited "all Catholics to
> dedicate with special intensity next March 5, Ash
> Wednesday, to prayer and fasting for the cause of
> peace, especially in the Middle East."
> "Above all, let us implore God for the conversion of
> hearts and a generous view in just decisions to
> resolve with adequate and peaceful means the contests
> that hamper the pilgrimage of humanity in our time,"
> he said.
> "In every Marian shrine an ardent prayer for peace
> will be raised to heaven with the praying of the holy
> rosary," the Pope added. "I trust that also in
> parishes and families the rosary will be prayed for
> this great cause on which the good of all depends."
> "This common invocation will be accompanied by
> fasting, expression of penance for the hatred and
> violence that contaminate human relations," John Paul
> II noted.
> "Christians share the ancient practice of fasting with
> many brothers and sisters of other religions, who in
> this way want to be despoiled of all pride and dispose
> themselves to receive from God the greatest and most
> necessary gifts, among which, in particular, is that
> of peace," the Holy Father stressed.
> The convocation to prayer and fasting is a
> continuation of the marathon of meetings and contacts
> undertaken by the Pope and his collaborators to avoid
> the outbreak of war against Iraq and to try to put an
> end to the violence in the Holy Land.
> In recent days John Paul II has received, among
> others, British Prime Minister Tony Blair, U.N.
> Secretary-General Kofi Annan, Iraqi Deputy Prime
> Minister Tariq Aziz and German Foreign Affairs
> Minister Joschka Fischer, the current president of the
> U.N. Security Council.
> The Holy Father also sent Cardinal Roger Etchegaray to
> Iraq, to meet personally with Saddam Hussein and with
> the local Catholic community.
> love + prayers,
> Joseachayan / Jeddah / Saudi Arabia
> ====================================================
> > --- Primeson James <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > wrote:
> > > Dear Friends in JOYnet
> > >
> > >
> > > I urge all of you to send your opinions /
> > > suggestions for our next fasting
> > > prayer of March first Friday. Some are already
> > > suggested to do on 03rd of
> > > March and what would be the intention(s). And
> > > request please post the final
> > > format of prayer atleast two days before on board.
> > >
> > > love
> > > primeson/dubai
> > >
> > >
> >
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