28TH   FEBRUARY  2003




           He was born in Sardinia, Italy, and was a papal legate to the Robber 
Council of Ephesus in 449,reporting  on the Monophysitism heresies of Eutyches, which 
denied the humanity of Christ and claimed he had only a divine nature, and teaching 
condemned in 451 by the Council of Chalcedon. And  he  insisted  upon  the  rights  of 
 the  Holy  see.


 Hilary was used by Pope St. Leo I the Great on many assignments. When Leo died, 
Hilary was elected pope and consecrated on November 19,461. He worked diligently to 
strengthen the Church in France and Spain, calling councils in 462 and 465. Hilary 
also rebuilt many Roman churches and erected the chapel of St. John Lateran. He also 
publicly rebuked Emperor Anthemius in St. Peters for supporting the Macedonian heresy 
and sent a decree to the Eastern bishops validating the decisions of the General 
Councils of Nicaea, Ephesus, and Chalcedon. Hilary consolidated the Church in Sandi, 
Africa, and Gaul.  

 Renowned for defending the rights of his bishops while exhorting them to curb their 
excesses and devote themselves more completely to God. Helped define the Church's role 
in the empire, and affirmed the position of the pope, and not the emperor, as leader 
in spiritual matters.   He died in Rome on February 28. 


                 I  command  you  to  preach  the   message, to  insist  upon  
proclaiming  it,  whether   the  time  is  right  or  not;  to   convince,  reproach,  
and  encourage,  as  you  teach  with  all   patience*  ( 2 Tim.4:2)


***In  Apostolic  work   ,  there  can be  no  forgiveness  for  disobedience, nor  
for  insincerity .Remember,  simplicity  is  not   imprudencs,  nor  indiscretion.***( 



Oh!  sweet  Eucharist  ! &   beloved  Mother     keep  me  as  thy  own.....

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