3 RD  MARCH   2003


EMPRESS (---1039)


   Daughter of Sigfrid, Count of Luxemburg.( on  the  border  of  France  and  
Germany) Received a religious education, and took a private vow of virginity. Married 
Saint Henry, Duke of Bavaria, who agreed to honour her vow. On the death of Emperor 
Otho III, Henry was chosen King of the Romans, and Cunegundes was crowned queen at 
Paderborn in 1002.As   Queen   and  Empress  she  continued  her  life  of  prayer  
and  penance  to which  she  had  been  accustomed  from  childhood, and  used  her  
exalted    positon  to  increase   further  her  charities  towards  the  poor  and  
needy. Holy Roman Empress in 1014, receiving the crown from Pope Benedict VIII. 

At one point, gossips accused her of adultery, but she proved her innocence by asking 
for God's help, then walking over pieces of flaming irons without injury. 

During his time as emperor, Henry gave away the bulk of his wealth in charity; when he 
died in 1024, Cunegundes was left relatively poor. On the 1025 anniversary of his 
death, which coincided with the dedication of a monastery she had built for 
Benedictine nuns at Kaffungen, Cunegundes took the veil, and entered that monastery, 
spending her remaining 15 years praying, reading, and working beside her sisters. 
   St.Conegundes  died on  march   3rd  1039; buried at Bamberg, Bavaria near Saint 
   Lithuania, Luxembourg, Poland 
   REFLECTION:  ***He  who  does  not    advance  in  the  way   of  perfection   
falls  back   ,  for,  love  cannot  continue  in  the  same  degree..***(St.Teresa  
of  Avila)

we   adore    Thee  O  Christ  and  we  bless   Thee,Because  of  Thy  Holy  Cross  
Thou  ha s  redeemed  the  world....!!!!!

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