Okies this Mail has been a Ravi prompted mail since he has been after me so
long to share this across. Sorry if its a wee bit long :)

Around four years ago when I didnt feel I was in need of a job the lord
presented to me this job which I am currently working for. I never knew why I
had to work. I was just in college completing my B.Sc. Then after I joined
this small place of work my father who was on his way recovering from Cancer,
his health started deteriorating. We started entering into a phase of
Financial Debt and if I didnt have this job which I am working for at present
I dont know what I or my family would have done.

After my Dad expired the job which I had was all that I had to cling onto for
stability for myself, my education and my home. Not to forget the huge loans
which we had incurred on account of Dad's sickness. My job in the meanwhile
started getting more demanding and I started getting more exposure. We
basically deal with Company Law as my boss is a reputed CS. As my boss also
had his own financial company I was asked to handle all the accounts of the
Company and its branch in Calcutta. [I wasnt an Accounts student then].
However, the cliche was when last year my boss asked me to handle all
correspondence work for an Organisation known as Bharat Vikas Parishad which
is affiliated to the R.S.S. [u know dem anti-who rite ???].

Let me tell you that the computer [the lord's blessing to me] in my office has
been my only medium for me being on Joynet and also has been the main source
in enabling me to be there for many of my new found spiritual friends. Since I
handle three types of work, my salary comes in three parts. So as Ravi always
tells me (infact keeps telling everyone.)
"Here is Jason... who does the work of Christ and gets paid by those who are
against Christ. The very resources provided by those who are against Christ is
being used to spread the word of Christ" ;)

God really works in funny ways. This January I was facing a tough task of
leaving my job. I prayed ... and prayed, I felt as though I had to leave......
there was one part of me that was telling me to quit and another telling me to
stay. While on the outside I wanted to leave on the inside I wanted to stay.
So oneday after dedicating the day to the lord for his will........ I told my
boss that I decided to quit as my B.Com exams are near. My boss not only
granted me paid leave for my exams, but now he also decided to raise my
salary. Praise the Lord.

Anyways I got my exams on the 20th of this month. So do pray for me. I wont be
able to catch up for Joynet for over a month.

Take care

urs in faith

Mumbai, India.

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ONE person at a time

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