Dear Friends,
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fr.tharayil thomas.usan the Lord prompts.s and JY formation strategies <BR>Missionary 
dynamics for tomorrow and JY initiatives <BR>Forming values of the Nettizens: Impact 
of JY efforts <BR> Child is the father of man : Youth efforts inspiring the clergy in 
the Church <BR>Variables and constants of modern disciple: A survey on the 
effectiveness of JY<BR>spirituality <BR>Leadership patterns for tomorrow s faith 
community: A JY experience <BR>Typical Characteristics of an effective leader: A Study 
of JY Leadership. <BR>Spirituality of Mission Initiative: A study of the work of the 
Spirit Today with<BR>special reference to JY. <BR>Jesus Youth Coordination structures: 
How effective they are? <BR>Typical pitfalls of JY functioning: A survey. <BR>Changing 
trends in JY: A Reflection on spiritual response to the signs of 
times.<BR><BR>Balancing the Institutional and the Charismatic: the secret of JY 
effectiveness.<BR><BR>Education for a healthy sexuality: Effectiveness of JY culture !
<BR>Priest and Religious of Tomorrow: A Survey of JY Dreams? <BR> Media is at the 
heart of modern lifestyle : Use of Communication Media in JY<BR>circles <BR>Elder 
Youth divide: A JY response <BR>Tribal youth Exposure and Training: A Reflection on 
the effectiveness of JY<BR>initiatives among Tribals. <BR> Giving Roots to the 
Uprooted : A Search for the Effectiveness of JY Migrant<BR>Youth. <BR> Role models 
among their juniors . JY approach to Children: An Assessment. <BR>Music as an 
effective tool of witness and instruction: A JY experience. <BR>Forming Women as 
motivators and effective leaders   How effective is it in JY? <BR>Fortifying the 
Family against the onslaught of modern secularism. JY approach. <BR>New Dimensions of 
Social concern. How JY do it? <BR>Christian formation with a focus on building human 
communities. JY approach. <BR>Professions can be the guiding lights of the modern 
society. A reflection on the<BR>effectiveness of the witnessing presence of JY profess!
ionals. <BR> I have been young; and now am old  JY leaders looking back <BR>JY Working 
style. How effective is it for youth, the Church and the society?<BR>Chackochan 
Njavallil<BR><p><br><hr size=1>Do you Yahoo]?<br>
<a href="*";>Yahoo] Tax 
Center</a> - forms, calculators, tips, and more concerns of the Church. <BR>We look 
forward to publishing these papers. The proposed length of each paper is<BR>10 pages 
(typed A4 double spaced). They could preferably in English but could<BR>also be in 
Malayalam. <BR>As in the case of all other Jesus Youth initiatives, the Symposium will 
also be<BR>self financed and so the organizers, paper presenters and other 
participants<BR>will share all the expenses including board and lodging, with the 
conviction<BR>that we are together building the Kingdom of God. <BR>The following 
people will be the organizing team of the Symposium: Bishop Thomas<BR>Chakiath, 
Episcopal Advisor (Patron), Fr. Geroge Madukampuram SVD (National<BR>pastor), Fr. 
Abraham Pallivathukal SJ, Mr. Manoj Sunny (Coordinator IJYT), Mr.<BR>Jomon Varghese, 
Dr. Edward Edezhath, Mr. Berly Earnest, Ms Princy Sebastian, Mr.<BR>Chackochan!
 Njavallil (Coordinator of the Symposium). <BR>Address for communication: Jesus Youth 
 Email:&nbsp;&nbsp; [EMAIL PROTECTED] or [EMAIL PROTECTED]<BR> 
<BR><BR>National Symposium on<BR><BR>Youth Trends at the Turn of the Millennium and 
Jesus Youth Response<BR><BR> <BR><BR>Suggested Topics<BR><BR> <BR><BR>Globalization 
and youth trends today <BR>Changing youth preferences among Cath

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