Dear Friend,
Every day of our life we are called upon to make choices. At times we make
choices of things that are not good and can hurt us because we do not clearly
see their consequences or because we are tempted by the pleasure of the
moment. All of us are tempted and temptations in themselves are not bad, it is
how we deal with temptations that make all the difference. Temptations test us
and reveal the stuff we are made of. One would like to think that only sinners
are tempted yet the fact remains that the holier people are, the greater is
the temptation. Even Jesus was tempted.

May we be renewed in spirit this weekend!

- Fr. Jude


Sunday Reflections:               First Sunday of Lent
Renewing the Covenant                     09-03-2003

Readings:                              Genesis 9 : 8-15
1 Peter 3 : 18 - 22                             Mark 1 : 12 - 15

The first reading of today reminds us of the covenant, the agreement between
God and Noah immediately after the flood. From ancient times people made all
sorts of agreements, between village and village, tribe and tribe, individual
and individual. Even today agreements and pacts are made between different
parties, groups and nations. We all understand that agreements are generally
made between persons and parties basically equal to each other; there is a
give and take, a yielding and an agreeing to; and both parties are expected to
keep the terms of the agreement. The agreement with God and Noah was
different. There was no equality between the two and the promises were
one-sided. God promised never again to destroy humankind, he bound himself but
asked nothing in return from Noah. The only reason for this agreement, this
covenant was God's great love for humankind.

God gave a sign of this covenant to his people. "Here is a sign of the
covenant I make between myself and you. I set my bow in the clouds and it
shall be a sign of the covenant between me and the earth." This symbol of
God's covenant, the rainbow, would be a sign of peace for all peoples. Before
the covenant, evil had been on the increase since Adam's sin and Cain's murder
of his brother Abel. God had sent the flood to destroy that evil age and
permit a new beginning with a new creation. God's covenant with Noah assured
humanity of a future. Other covenants would follow each with its own symbol.
The sign of the covenant between God and Abraham would be circumcision; while
that with Moses would be the Sabbath observance.  All those covenants were
between God and a chosen group of people. The final covenant would be in and
through Jesus Christ, between God and all people, and the sign of that
covenant would be baptism, by which all would be made sons of God. We may be
tempted at times to believe that God is out to get us, but He cannot do so
because he has tied his destiny to ours. He sees us not as sinners but as his
loveable children.

God's View
One weekend while barnstorming airplane rides, my pilot husband took up a
farmer for a thirty minutes sightseeing flight. Not a word was spoken during
the whole time, as they both looked down on the incredibly beautiful summer
countryside. Climbing out of the plane later, the man turned to my husband and
drawled, "Now I know why the Lord has so much patience with this old world. He
has a better view of it than we got."
Mrs. R.L.Weeks from 'Tonic for the Heart' by Frank  Mihalic

The Gospel of today from Mark begins with the words: "The Spirit drove Jesus
into the wilderness and he remained there for forty days and was tempted by
Satan." The same spirit, so gloriously present at Jesus' baptism drove Jesus
out into the desert to be tempted by the evil one. Yes, it is the Spirit that
led Jesus to be tested. Tests are not there to make us fail, but, as with
athletes and students, to make us better and stronger. In Jesus' case this
test would be between him and Satan. On Jesus' part there were compelling
reasons why the devil would be allowed to tempt him. Just as the first Adam
brought sin upon the human race by succumbing to the temptation of Satan, so
Jesus, the second Adam, would redeem us all from sin by overcoming the
temptations of Satan. Jesus also wanted to teach us by example.

The Gospel tells us that he was led into the desert. On the one hand the
desert was a place where the people felt closest to God. In the desert the
Israelites had received the law; in the desert they had become a covenanted
people, in the desert they had been fed with spiritual food and been given
spiritual drink. On the other hand the people also considered the desert a
place for wild beasts and the place where Satan ruled. At that time wild
beasts symbolized demons. At his baptism Jesus had experienced the divine
world in the voice of his Father and the appearance of the Spirit. In the
desert Jesus would now experience the demonic world.

We could ask the question: But is there a devil? Does Satan really exist?
'Satan' from Hebrew meant simply an adversary. In the Jewish Scriptures, Satan
often is the enemy of all humanity. Satan's other title is 'Devil'. This comes
from the Greek word 'diabolos', meaning one who deliberately and maliciously
slanders someone in the presence of God. While the Jews were in captivity they
were influenced by the Persians, who saw two powers from which a person must
choose: light and goodness or darkness and evil. Satan was seen as the
adversary of God and stood for everything that was against God. Whether the
devil is a person or not, he exists as the essence of evil in the world. At
one time it was believed that the devil and his power was at work within us,
instigating us and goading us to sin, but when the devil was externalized as a
personification of evil, somehow people stopped believing that the devil
exists. Yet we see evil in various forms around us and whatever name we give
it we have to admit that the evil in the environment around us has an impact
on our lives. We also have to own responsibility for the evil in this world.
Just as the good that we do merits God's blessing for us and for others, so
also the evil we commit, even the most secret sin adds to the sinful milieu
around us.

Temptation, Everyone's Price
During the civil war in America it was illegal to trade in cotton.
Nevertheless, many greedy traders tried to buy cotton in the South, smuggle it
through the Union lines, and sell it at great profit in the North.  One of
these profiteers approached the captain of a Mississippi steamboat and offered
him $100 if he would run his cotton up the river. The captain refused
reminding the cotton merchant that it was against the law. "I will give you
$500," said the merchant. "No," thundered the captain. "Make it $1000," went
on the dealer. "No," the captain repeated. "I'll give you $3000," the merchant
insisted. At that the captain drew his pistol, pointed it at the tempter and
shouted. "Get off this boat! You are getting near to my price."
Someone has said that everyone has his/her price.
Msgr. Arthur Tonne

The gospel of today ends with the admonition of Jesus: "The time has come, and
the kingdom of God is close at hand. Repent and Believe in the Good News."
Lent is the time to come back to the Lord, perhaps we have strayed away from
the Lord for too long; we cannot abuse the patience of our God. The Kingdom of
God is at hand, it is not something that is to happen at sometime in the
future but right now and here. "If not now? When? If not here? Where? If not
you? Who?"  Will we heed the invitation to change our minds and hearts and
come back to Him?

May we find strength in Him to fight against temptation every day of our

Fr. Jude Botelho

PS. The stories, incidents and anecdotes used in the reflections have been
collected over the years from books as well as from sources over the net and
from e-mails received. Every effort is made to acknowledge authors whenever
possible. If you send in stories or illustrations I would be grateful if you
could quote the source as well so that they can be acknowledged if used in
these reflections.  These reflections are also available on my web site  - Thank you.

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