>From LifeTimes Catholic eZine
  Serenity, Courage, and Wisdom                                        
  by Christine G. Law                                                  
  We live in a world torn by war, yet we long for peace. We hate our   
  neighbors, kill our babies, and ignore our beloved. Still, we cry    
  out for a better world. How many times have you promised yourself    
  you'd be patient, only to lose your temper time and again? And how   
  often have you begged Calgon. to take you away?                      
  Perhaps it's time to stop longing, crying, promising and begging --  
  and start praying!                                                   
  "God grant me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change"     
  I have often wondered why humanity continuously cries out for        
  something that we don't really understand. Peace? We don't know the  
  meaning of the word. How could we possibly know? The world has only  
  truly known peace once in its entire existence.                      
  Adam & Eve disturbed an eternity of peaceful bliss when they broke   
  their sacred covenant with Our Lord. Since that time, we have longed 
  for Eden's serenity with outstretched arms and weeping hearts. And   
  it is a longing that I've come to realize I cannot possibly fulfill. 
  With the help of the Holy Spirit, we can do incredible things.       
  However, stepping forward and facilitating world peace is probably   
  not one of them. But there is more to "peace" than political         
  maneuvering and treaties among nations. "Peace" is something that    
  can be built from the bottom up -- the ideal focus of a grass roots  
  campaign. Peace can start at home.                                   
  "The Courage to change the things I can"                             
  I may not have the ability to change the balance of power in the     
  global community, but I can look around at the faces of my three     
  very active children and see that I have a small community of my own 
  to which I must tend.                                                
  I thrive on order and organization. So each day, I run through my    
  mental list, checking off tasks that have been accomplished. I tend  
  to weigh my self-worth by the number of tasks I have successfully    
  completed at the end of each day, and thus any form of chaos leaves  
  me teetering on the brink of total meltdown. My children, bless      
  their hearts, give a whole new meaning to the word "chaos".          
  Christ said, "Suffer thee the little children." (Mark 10:13-16) And  
  "suffer", I do!                                                      
  And that is when I need courage from the Lord. The courage to        
  recognize that my habits and preferences may not be what is best for 
  my children. The courage to let them be children, but to step in     
  when appropriate.                                                    
  The little imps can totally frustrate and irritate one moment -- and 
  totally captivate with a gentle hug or teasing smile the next -- if  
  we have the courage to recognize God's grace in them. With the       
  Lord's help, we can truly see the value of that child. If we can see 
  the intrinsic value in the tiny face of that frustrating child, that 
  is the first step towards seeing the intrinsic value of other human  
  beings. It is the first step towards peace.                          
  "And the Wisdom to know the difference"                              
  In today's society, life has become insanely fast-paced. We          
  continually race to the finish line. But in our haste, we often lose 
  sight of the prize. Just what or who are we running towards? When I  
  forget the goal, I find myself wanting to give up at the first       
  hurdle -- but "wisdom" allows me to continue.                        
  You see, life is not necessarily a hurdling event. Life is more of   
  an obstacle course. Sometimes you go over, sometimes you go around;  
  under and through are options as well. The wisdom of the Holy        
  Spirit, a gift that we receive through our Confirmation, helps us    
  decide what to do.                                                   
  I often think that I know what is best for my life. I forget that I  
  do not need to fly solo, and that God has His own plan for me, which 
  began even before I was formed in my mother's womb. (Isaiah 49)      
  It is during those moments -- when I lose sight of God as the pilot  
  -- that chaos reigns supreme. When I want to change things beyond my 
  control, or fail to change the things I can, I begin to feel lost    
  and alone. I long for peace, cry out for a better world, promise     
  myself I'll be patient, and then simply beg Calgon. to take me away. 
  But when I remember that Jesus, through the Holy Spirit, is walking  
  right beside me, I can reach out to him instead. I can lean on the   
  Lord as I go about my day, teaching and guiding my children, and     
  doing whatever possible to make this world a better place.           
  And I can open my heart and listen for his voice as I say the prayer 
  that has so often crossed my lips:                                   
       "God grant me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot        
       The Courage to change the things I can,                         
       And the Wisdom to know the difference"                          
  Life Applications:                                                   
  Am I conducting my life according to God's will or my own?           
  Do I accept the Lord's presence in my life? Am I willing to be His   
  faithful servant?                                                    
  Where do I seek peace and serenity when I am troubled? Do I turn     
  first to God?                                                        
  Copyright 2003 by Christine G. Law                                   
  All rights reserved.                                                 
                             LifeTimes Catholic eZine!                 

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