Dear friends,

Yesterday was a normal day. I had gone to Okhla to meet Sanjo Paulson, one
of my dearest Jy friends and joined him thereafter for the evening for
bible study.

After the bible study we were chitchatting with friends for sometime and
then I made a move to the bus stop to catch a bus to go home. It was about
8:15 pm.

At the bus stand I pulled out my rosary and started praying. Amidst the
various noises of the night, I could hear a feeble voice some distance
away from the bus stop saying, bhaisahab, madath karro (sir help me) I
saw a man with a stick, trying to stop oncoming vehicles by waving his
hand. He seemed drunk to me because he walked perilously into the road
trying to stop vehicles, he also had a stagger in his steps. I continued
with my rosary unconcerned about these kind of rif-rafs. Two decades were
over, no bus seemed to be coming. In the distance this apparent
dipsomaniac continued to beseech, . sahibji kripa karo (sir have mercy
on me)

Is this guy really drunk? Or is there something wrong with him I mused
to myself. I kept looking in his direction, I had a doubt he wasnt drunk.
I ran up to where he was to have a look.

I was shocked! My doubts proved right. The guy was no drunk! He was blind.
He was attempting to stop ongoing vehicles so that someone would offer him
help. The guy is a youth, maybe around 17-22 years of age.

I went up to him, held his hand and asked, how can I help you? .please
take me to a phone booth he requested. I led him to a phone booth nearby.
He dictated the number, I dialed for him. The number was going thru but no
one was picking. We tried in vain for about 5 minutes, then I asked, what
do we do now? He told me he wanted to go to one of his teachers houses
somewhere near Okhla. I asked him for the address so that I could take him
there, he told me he doesnt know the address but has the phone number.
That was the number we were trying to dial. We tried once more but to no
avail. It was getting late for me and so I asked him, where are you
planning to go at this time of the night now that you arent getting your
teacher? I dont know he replied.

For me it was already very late and a bus to Najafgarh at that time was a
near impossibility. I thought of halting at our JY house for the night,
but what about him?, I asked him if he would mind coming with me to our JY
house and spend the night there. He was a bit hesitant but when I
persuaded him he obliged.

We went back to the bus stop, our bus came along and we boarded it. In the
bus we sat next to each other on same seat. Silly of me, till then I
didnt tell him my name neither did I bother to ask him his.

I introduced myself to him. He told me his name is Narain. He is doing his
1st year B.A. Honors in Hindustani vocal music from Delhi University. This
got my interest. I wanted to know more. I asked him about his life. He
told me he is basically from Himachal Pradesh, born blind to a poor family

He was brought to Delhi many years ago as a kid, and he used to earn his
livelihood by using his natural talent for singing songs, in buses and

One day passenger sitting in a bus that narain entered to sing happened to
be a hindustani music teacher. He spotted the potential this kid had and
he took him along sheltered him and he himself started teaching Narain
Hindustani music.

Sadly this guruji died after some years. And Narain lost his home as well.
Ever since life has been tough for him. He stays in a ramshackle house
somewhere in the border of Delhi and Haryana. Everyother day he travels 3
hrs one way to reach the university.

I requested him to sing for me a song once we reached home, he promised he
would. I told him of my interest in hindustani and carnatic music. I told
him that my favorite artists were The Late Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan and
pandit Bhimsen Joshi. He told me he knows some of their songs.

Narain is also a very well read person. He reads a lot of classic
literature and history.

We reached Yusuf Sarai, got off and walked towards our Jy house. I usually
walk very fast, and inadvertently I was doing that with him holding my
hand, he pulled at me and said, please dont walk so fast, Ill trip and
fall oh stupid me! What was I thinking about? I slowed down and we
moved at his pace.

We reached our Jy house, and I was hoping that there wouldnt be a big
crowd there. I told him to wait outside. I went in and a few of the Jy
girls were there, a few jy guys too. They were praying the Rosary.

I called Rajeev out and told him about Narain. Rajeev was kind enough and
obliged to let him stay for the night with us.

I took Narain to the bathroom, helped him freshen up. And we sat in one of
the rooms talking to each other. I asked him to sing me a Nusrat number as
promised.. He started singing in such a lovely voice and tune, Sanu ek
pal chein na aave, Sajana tere bina wow! I just loved it.

Prayer was over and most of the jys gathered around narain, and we
started talking to him. They all wanted him to sing for them a song, so he
delighted them all with a couple of patriotic song.

We had dinner together and after the girls had left, Rajeev, Kishore and
myself were left with Narain. We had a bit of chitchat and then went off
to sleep.

Rajeevs Alarm clock pounded our ears early in the morning waking us all
up. Rajeev and Kishore went off for mass, I remained with Narain in the
house. I warmed water for him, he had his bath, I went in, had mine,
freshened up and we both sat down and we both started just talking about
various things. He is a great devotee of Krishna. He sang a song for me,
dedicated to Krishna. I enjoyed it a lot. From his talk I could make out
that he was a very god fearing person. I told him, Narain bhai, you are
blest that you are only physically blind, how many are there who are
spiritually blind finding no meaning or purpose in life whatsoever. I
told him how much I admired his determination to achieve. He reciprocated
my compliments with a smile and a hug. Then he asked me, why was it that
you came and looked after me yesterday in the night? I shared a bit how
Jesus touched my life and how He is still making something beautiful out
of it. I assured him that Jesus loved him too. And Jesus will make
something beautiful out of his life as well. I taught him a simple bhajan
to the Holy Spirit, Aao Pavan Athma, tere daan do he learnt it in no
time and could sing it much better than me. I told him to keep singing it
when he remembered. He told me he will.

Rajeev and kishore returned. They started out making breakfast. After
breakfast, Narain Asked me to put him in a bus going to Delhi University.

He bid goodbye to Rajeev and kishore and blest us all saying, may God
always grant you the desires of your heart. In all my life, I have never
seen people such good at heart as you all we thanked him too and invited
him to come when he could. I gave him my contact and told him to get in
touch sometimes. He assured me he will.

With that I led him to Yusuf Sarai bus stop from where he would get his
bus. On the way I stopped at a juice vendor and asked for 2 glasses of
carrot juice. I paid the vendor, he took money only for one glass. See
good souls everywhere!

I put Narain into the bus and told the conductor to drop him off where he
wanted. The conductor assured me he would. The bus left and I walked back
to Jy house, thanking God that he was showing me my blindness.

By helping Narain, I dont feel I have done anything big. I dont think
Im a holy Joe. More than Narain, I have been the beneficiary from this
experience. Both Narain and me are suffering from blindness, of different
sorts though. His is only physical blindness for which there probably
could be multiple solutions. But for mine only one. May the glory of God,
shining on the face of Christ banish the blindness that obscures my inner
eyes from seeing vision of eternal life. Why has God blest me with sight?
when he knows i'll keep ditching him with it????

Do keep Narain in your prayers,

Josun Jose/New Delhi/India


Meet the Reluctant Saint, Palm Sunday, April 13, 7pm ET/PT,
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