Dear friends in Christ,

Last week one of my friend shifted to my area and I went to his house to
help him out in arranging his things. While we work my friend started
playing old super hit Malayalam film songs. Sadness, despair, love ... I
don't know why I could stand hearing to those songs, yet I asked him
"friend, can you please play some devotional songs?". Without any objection
he played some devotional songs and I worked happily then after.

Don't get confused... I am not against listening to film songs. It is up to
you. This is just a sharing only ...

I am musician... I sing, I play keyboard, Rhythm Guitar, Thabala. I used to
go for many programs when I was in Kerala (for pocket money). No body,
except my 2nd brother, ever defeated me in "Anthakshary" of Malayalam film
songs as I had a huge selected collections (almost 25 cassettes) of old
Malayalam songs + other latest songs. For some rare collections I even
bribed an AIR staff through an agent! I was also in the church choir since I
was a boy until I left Kerala for studies to Bangalore.

After reaching here in Singapore (since 9 years) I started joining prayer
groups. God also put me in a Church choir where we gather once in a month
for Malayalam Mass. Once I started realizing that all our talents are gift
of God I decided that I will not use my talents for public performance other
than devotional. After that God used my talent for many retreats conducted
in Singapore. I play for all JY programs and Malayalam Mass in Singapore as
well. Praise the Lord!

Two years before I asked myself why your private life is different from
public as I enjoy all sorts of music and films at home. So I decided that I
will never play or sing any film songs. I threw all my collections away and
started collecting devotional songs. Since then I never gave my ear to films

I did not noticed the difference that happened in my life. Unlike Kerala you
can hardly hear films songs in Singapore streets. Further, all the gathering
I go here are prayer related and hence there is no chance to hear or talk
about films songs. But last week at my friends house I realized that the
decision I took was not just a sacrifice, but a blessing!

Praise the Lord

Wilson Thomas

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