Dear Wilson,
     Deciding to listen to devotional songs is a personal choice with which
you are happy.If I was living next to you I would have begged you to give me
your wonderful collection of Indian and English music instead of throwing it
away.Those cd'd and tapes contained the talent of many musicians .The
creativity , words, ragam,thalam all are part of the creativty of God and
should be appreciated byall.We pray for discernment from the Holy Spirt to
make good choices in our music appreciation.
Now since I was not living next to you, you should have called your frinds
together and distributed the cd;stapes. records according to their
liking.Your freinds would haveremembered you forever.If the music is still
in the garbage,pick it up clean it cover it with gift wrapping and there you
have birthday gifts,christmas gifts etc
   The love story that forver keeps coming back was miss understood many
times and them the wrong replies kept coming back
I have an example,when I was in boardingschool with Irish Catholic nuns,most
ofmy   freinds were angloIndian and therir custom was to date a boy, talk it
over with parents and get married.If during the dating stage they could not
get along they will not get engaged or get married,.This stage does not
include sexual relationship.When young people are together a lot it is
difficult to stay away from sexual relationshp.but if we pray them the
relationship will go in the direction we would like it to go
So pray,pray and pray whether you choseto have a love marriage or arranged
marriage.They both need the fire of the Holy Spirit tokeep the love intheir
hearts burnung,and that love will keep the whole family warm and comfartable
 We must respect the customs of other Christian communities as well as the
customs of freinds of other faiths.
I hope all of you have Hindu,Muslim Buddhist friends.and of every cast and
creed ..Your life will be blessed with the diversty of freinshipsand GOD
will be there right in the midst of your gathering
 The rest of the manuscript will follow next year.
I really admire the courage of you convictions.but the courage to change
again if misunderstandings were thereis  will truly be blessed by the lord
In His Grip and Grace
Mary Auntie

> Thanks for all mails send to me personally as appreciation ...
> Esp long ones from Rose and Femin ..
> What do you Joy Net think about this topic?
> with love and prayers
> Wilson Thomas
> (Singapore)
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Wilson Thomas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Monday, March 10, 2003 3:42 PM
> Subject: Film songs and Devotional Songs
> > Dear friends in Christ,
> >
> > Last week one of my friend shifted to my area and I went to his house to
> > help him out in arranging his things. While we work my friend started
> > playing old super hit Malayalam film songs. Sadness, despair, love ... I
> > don't know why I could stand hearing to those songs, yet I asked him
> > "friend, can you please play some devotional songs?". Without any
> objection
> > he played some devotional songs and I worked happily then after.
> >
> > Don't get confused... I am not against listening to film songs. It is up
> to
> > you. This is just a sharing only ...
> >
> > I am musician... I sing, I play keyboard, Rhythm Guitar, Thabala. I used
> to
> > go for many programs when I was in Kerala (for pocket money). No body,
> > except my 2nd brother, ever defeated me in "Anthakshary" of Malayalam
> > songs as I had a huge selected collections (almost 25 cassettes) of old
> > Malayalam songs + other latest songs. For some rare collections I even
> > bribed an AIR staff through an agent! I was also in the church choir
> I
> > was a boy until I left Kerala for studies to Bangalore.
> >
> > After reaching here in Singapore (since 9 years) I started joining
> > groups. God also put me in a Church choir where we gather once in a
> > for Malayalam Mass. Once I started realizing that all our talents are
> > of God I decided that I will not use my talents for public performance
> other
> > than devotional. After that God used my talent for many retreats
> > in Singapore. I play for all JY programs and Malayalam Mass in Singapore
> as
> > well. Praise the Lord!
> >
> > Two years before I asked myself why your private life is different from
> > public as I enjoy all sorts of music and films at home. So I decided
> I
> > will never play or sing any film songs. I threw all my collections away
> and
> > started collecting devotional songs. Since then I never gave my ear to
> films
> > songs.
> >
> > I did not noticed the difference that happened in my life. Unlike Kerala
> you
> > can hardly hear films songs in Singapore streets. Further, all the
> gathering
> > I go here are prayer related and hence there is no chance to hear or
> > about films songs. But last week at my friends house I realized that the
> > decision I took was not just a sacrifice, but a blessing!
> >
> > Praise the Lord
> >
> > Wilson Thomas
> > Singapore
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