14TH  MARCH  2003


QUEEN (895-968)


       Also  known  as  Maud; Matilda of Saxony 

   Daughter of Count Dietrich of Westphalia and Reinhild of Denmark,when  her  father  
died  ,  mother  took viel  &matilda   was raised by her grandmother, abbess of the 
Eufurt. In 913,
    Matilda left the abbey, and married of King Henry the Fowler of Saxony, who had 
received an annulment from a previous marriage..As  a  queen  she  proved  herself  a  
model of  piety  and  prudence,  and  was  ever intent on  succouring  the  oppressed  
and  the  poor.She  was  left  a  widow in  936 &  hence forth  she  doubled  her  
prayers, mortifications  and  alms  giving,  founded  numerous  hospitals,  churches  
and  benedictine abbeys.But  this  liberality  so  exasperated  her sons  Otto   and  
Henry,  that  they  banished  her from court  and  despoiled  her  of  all  her  
property  until  misfortune  overtook them   in  turn  they  become  reconciled  and  
begged  for forgiveness.
    Of  her  chidren,  the  oldest  became  Otto  the  Great,  Emperor  of  Germany  , 
another  son  was  St.Bruno, IV of  France,  and  Hedwig  became  mother  of  Hugh 
Capet,  the  founder  of  Capetian  dynasty.
                Well known throughout the realm for her generosity, she taught the 
ignorant, comforted the sick, and visited prisoners. She  died  on  march  14,  968.
   death of children, disappointing children, falsely accused people, large families, 
people ridiculed for their piety, queens, second marriages, widows 
                           ***The  best  reward  which  the  servant  of  God  can 
recieve  for  that  which  does  for  his  neighbour, is  contempt  or  shame ,  the  
only  payment   the  world  made  for  labourers  of  its  Divine  Master.If  God  
gives  u  much  to  suffer  , its  a  sign  that  he  would  make  a  great  saint  of 
 u** (  St.Ignatius)
                       Holy  saint  Matilda  . u  gave  up  ur  inheritance  from ur  
loving  husband  ,  living  austerely  in  order  to  keep   peace  among  ur children 
 ;  yet  despite  ur   example  of  loving  forgiveness,  ur  sons  continued  to  
quarrel.Pray  that  we  may  heed  a  mother`s  plea  for  peace among  her  
children.Tech  us  to  lead  simple  lives, so  that  we  may  not  argue  over money  
or  wordly  goods  or  any  passing  fancies.Send  us  ur  sprirt  of   forgiveness  
and  charity,  so  that  we may live  together  amicably,  forgetting past  hurts  and 
overlooking  potential  offenses.We  pray  for  ur  intercession  for  better  
relationships  among  family  members.Through  Jesus  christ  our  Lord  Amen.
   COMMENT:   It  is  sad   to  realise  how  much intensity  we  show  to  heed  a  
mother`s  plea  for  her  quarreling  chlidren,,&   those  unheard   thoughts  of  
worrying  mothers   especially  among  modern  families....

we   adore    Thee  O  Christ  and  we  bless   Thee,Because  of  Thy  Holy  Cross  
Thou  ha s  redeemed  the  world....!!!!!

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