Dear Friends,

The beautiful sharings by Bincy and Tina really touched my heart. It
brought back fond nostalgic memories of my wonderful grandparents who are
no more.

I was specially attached to my dads father. Papachy was such a loving and
noble soul. He lost Ammachy in 1987. Both he and Ammachy were great
devotees of Mother Mary. He used to pray for each of his children and
grandchildren. Both pappachy and ammachy were born on August 11th. The
last words he uttered before passing on in 1996 were, children pray the

Even at his age, he would remember all his childrens and grandchildrens
birthdays. He especially liked all of us grandchildren. Many a time he
used to sing for us old Malayalam devotional songs. He would lull us all
to sleep with, nyan urrangan pogum munmbai. His favorite song used to
be, motshathin Rajave, Logathi karthave every night after the family
prayer he would sing it. Pappachy was very loving to my mother. Mummy wept
like a child when she knew he was no more.

All who knew him loved him especially for his sense of righteousness. More
than anything else, I feel the legacy that he and ammachy have bequeathed
to his posterity is the gift of faith. Thankyou Jesus.

I had a special affinity for him because of a certain happening where he
literally saved my skin. I will never forget him. Pappachy, if you are
reading this youre your heavenly abode, remember to pray for all of us

Many years ago, when I was maybe 12 or 13, we were in our tharwad,
(ancestral home), Uncles, aunties, cousins, the whole nellanikat clan was

One day as is classic of me, I got into some kind of mess. Haa! I remember
what it was, my dad had given us clear instructions not to by choondas
(fishing hooks) coz they could be dangerous. I disobeyed and bought myself
one, and went fishing one day. I wasnt very good at it, there was one
chettan having a bath in the near by stream where I was fishing.

After dropping the line, it seemed something had tugged at the line. I
gave one pull to the hook, it came and landed on that chettans back! he
was furious! Luckily it didnt spike him, but he threatened me by picking
up a stone and hurled adjectives that made no difference to me coz I
didnt understand a word of them!

Nevertheless, I was scared out of my wits. I dropped my hook, picked my
slippers in my hand and ran for my life. Once back home, I knew this guy
will come and spill the beans to my dad.

The wonderful thing about me then was, when I knew a spanking was due my
way I would vanish from the scene, and go into hiding (something like what
binladen is doing these days).

That day, my latest hideout was the firewood heap. I made a hole in it for
myself and remained there.

As I had clairvoyantly perceived, the report reached the ears of my dad.
He was furious!. where is that fellow? he barked! No one knew.
OPERATION-JOSUN HUNT was called on. My siblings, cousins and daddin were
all part of the search team trying to smoke me out of my hole! They looked
in all the places I previously hidden. Even those days I had the wisdom to
know that you should never hide in the same place twice. I therefore had
ever-ingenious ways of finding new hideouts.

That day the whole clan was after my blood! Poking with sticks under the
bed, checking the attic, behind doors, somebody went as far as checking
near the cow dung pit, etc  Pandoras box was opened.

With all the noise and pandemonium around, I was happily in my bunker. 
Suddenly, there was an unusual silence and whispering. I knew was amiss. I
sensed someone had spotted me. My sixth sense told me to scoot off!.

True enough these smart alecks found my hide out and were zeroing in on
me. But before their plans could materialize I jumped out of my hiding and
sprinted off. They all saw me, and as though they were hunting a wild boar
or something, screamed in unision, there he is!. The chase was on. My
cousins, siblings with daddin in the lead. I was desparate, daddin is a
very good sprinter. If I keep running, in no time Id be caught. I did
some quick thinking, I saw a very huge tree infront of me. I jumped for
one of its branches and like our primate brethren, I scrambled up.  Daddin
and the rest of the team were below the tree. I made my ultimatum, If u
guys dont leave me in peace I swear Ill jump!

Daddin was not to take threats. He dared me to jump, and with that he
started climbing after me. He knew, I was a coward and would never jump
for the life in me. I did the only rational thing possible in such a
predicament. I scaled greater heights, my dad too was nearing in. I was

To my great fortune, pappachy was coming home that time after a walk in
the town. He called out to us all and enquired what enlightenment were all
the nellanikaddans seeking, standing under that tree. One of my cousins
enlighted him about the whole episode.

Pappachy told daddin to climb down. Daddin amiably obeyed. And in a very
kind voice told me, Josunmone, come down well go for a walk I demanded
first daddin promise hes not going to thrash my backside!. Pappachy
negotiated and ensured that. Then I told him to send away my cousins and
siblings. Pappachy shooed them away asking, ningellokke verre panni
onnoum ille? (have you all got no better work in life to do or what?)

Once they had all left, I carefully descended from my lofty position.
Pappachy held my hand and took me for a walk to one of the nearby tea
shops. He told me to have whatever I wanted. I got a soda, and vazhakya
boli (banana fritters). After he had satiated my appeitite, he started
driving home a point very firmly but with a lot of love. In short what he
told me was this, Dont be so stupid in future ok! Be an obedient child
and use ure brains well! I promised Ill never repeat it.

He bought a few narangya muttais (lemon candies) telling me to share them
with my cousins and sibs, and we walked back home.

At home, since I had pappachys backing. The scenario changed. I became a
favorite to my cousins and sibs, my aunties went out of the way to serve
me my lunch and call me naughty boy! I came near my dad, and smiled one of
my mischievious smiles. I could see he was still seething with anger, had
it not been for pappachy that day, a disastrous rendezvous with the cane
or belt would have been mine.

Pappachy sat on his rocking chair, with daddin sitting nearby, legs
folded, reading a news paper. And when tempers were cooled and things were
back to normal, he cajoled my dad to bury the hatchet. He told my dad,
anyway hes ure son only isnt it? Like father like son! He narrated an
incident that happened when Jose Nellanikat was younger (that time he
wasnt my father!). The memory of it made my dad chuckle and laugh at his
own past. Daddin must have realized that JJ is not just a chip of the old
block, but very much the old block itself! I dont know if itll bring a
chuckle on ure faces, but each time it comes to mind, I cant help but
laughing. Heres what happened.

As a child, Jose Nellanikat was mischievious at times, once in a while he
used to land himself in trouble. During those days the rule of the home
was, where ever you were, you ought to be home by 7:30 pm. After that the
doors of the Nellanikat household would be closed and family prayer would
begin. And anyone who was locked out had no way of entering till the
prayer was over. Then also, a tax for late coming (spanking) would be

One day my dad had gone to play football and somehow lost track of time.
Family prayer was over, dinner was over and still no trace of Jose.
Pappachy and Ammachy got a bit worried, they both started praying rosaries
and seeking the intercession of St. Joseph, St. George, all the guardian
angels etc that Jose would be safe.

At about 10 pm Jose comes merrily whistling away and knocked on the door.
Pappachy was infuriated! No other kid dared to flout the rule of the home
till that day. The audacity with which my dad said,  ammachy kadogha
thurraku (mom open the door) really annoyed pappachy all the more. He
said, you can sleep on the verandah tonight. Next time learn to come home

Pappachy wouldnt budge and Jose could be a nut too at times. He
threatened to jump in the well if the door was not opened. That was not
convincing enough for pappachy.

Seeing that the deadlock would continue if things remained like this, Jose
said loud enough for all to hear, Im going to teach you all a lesson
with that he went off, took a towel that was hanging on the line nearby,
picked up a boulder wrapped the towel around it and threw it into the
well. There was a loud splash and suddenly you could hear the main door
opening and the whole family running towards the well with lamps and
torches. Ammachy kept reproaching Pappachy for being so harsh and strict.
Pappachy too was a bit shaken, his intentions and motives were not to keep
Jose outdoors, but to educate him the value of not loafing around late
night. He didnt expect this kind of an anti climax to the episode.

He flashed his torch in the well, and Lo! There was Joses towel
floating!. He called Joses younger brother Antu to go and call his uncle
who lived nearby.

As Antu was running in the direction of his uncles house. He heard a
familiar voice barking at him from beneath the pine-apple plantation,
where the hell are you going, dog? (sounds more appropriate in

Antu, realizing that Jose had pulled one over them all, broadcasted in a
loud voice, Pappachy, Jose is here only, nothing has happened to him, he
was fooling us! Jose was in real soup. Pappachy caught him, dragged him
home, took his favorite mulberry stick and gave Jose some good licks.
Daddin learnt one of the greatest lessons of his life. Never again did he
repeat it!

All of us started laughing away while pappachy was narrating this to us. I
shared my narangya muttais (lemon candy) and pappachy warned me. if ever
you try these kind of stunts again, the mulberry tree was still there in
the courtyard.

I really miss my grandparents. I know they are with Jesus, praying for
their mischievous grandchild. Jesus bless them.

Let us make a small sacrifice this lent and pray for the souls in
purgatory, especially those with none to pray for.

God bless you all,

Josun Jose/New Delhi/India


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