Hello friends
thank you all for praying for the youth retreat.It was glorious experience both for the participants and organizers.
God really showed us that we should trust Him and anything is possible for God.
I wanted to share my experience with u all. we were not sure that a retreat is possible in trivandrum for the youth especially professionals
so we thought abt giving a rendezvous pgm which is for 2 and a half days.but our experienced campaigners told us that it would but futile since
we are not conducting it for 5 dayss. and they told us that a 5 day retreat is a must or otherwise don't do any pgm and call it a retreat.
so we thought it was not going to happen.we had millions of reason y this cannot happen.coz students will have to take leave for 2 full days.and
time was really short to organize a retreat, and we didn't have a resource person,and we didn't get a place to conduct retreat. and all of the students except the first year students were having exams.we were also having exams.but when we prayed we were so much inspired by God to conduct the retreat.then we prayed to mother Mary to be there with us through the whole retreat and to pray for all the things that should be taken care of. we started mobilizing without knowing where or who will conduct the retreat.it was really hard...but God gave us strength to carry on . many people told us that it is difficult , and no one will come etc.. and things were not at all certain till the last moment.I was really tensed on the retreat was to take place on 12th and on 9th morning I was so tensed bcoz the venue was not fixed and team was not arranged .when I sat for prayer ,God told me not to worry abt tomorrow...and all my tension left me...I was very relaxed I didn't believe that the retreat was going to take place at that time .I comforted myself thinking that it is His problem and I am not going to get tensed for that.and after that I called up a place and praise God it was available. then abt the team .on 10th evening we were sitting and discussing...the team was not fixed and we didn't know who to call.Rodney chettan told that today we will know if we can conduct the retreat or not.i was least bothered ...i said ok its no problem we will call off the retreat if we cannot arrange the team.then we all went home .
i was not very keen to carry on with the idea of a retreat.i was too tired to worry. that day on Bro Joy who was praying for us gave a message for us for mother Mary ." children i am pleased by your endevours to bring my children to Christ , my help will be with u " this is not the exact words . but when I was told abt this by cennil i was not sure...i told mom i know u r there but we don;t have a team and day after tomorrow is the retreat and so I don't think this is goingto take place...but thanks anyway ..I am happy that I was wrong. everything that happened after that was like a dream.Thakachayan for idukki was free that weekend.His phone was dead we couldn't contact him ...but our chettans prayed and then called again then the phone worked ...Thankachayan was not actually ready to come since he was very tired and injured by some sting ...but since to dead phone came to life when we called ...he understood that it was providence and so he Agreed Praise GOD.
i was still concerned abt the people coming for the retreat . i told the people at venue that abt 40 will come..but i really thought that there will be abt 20 ..25 ..one day before i was almost certain that it was going to be 10 to 15 people ..since many withdrew...they did not get permission since they had to cut class...ok but God told me that u r work for the sake of my kingdom will not be forgotten since God is not injust...well i memorized the scripture to tell to my friends who were also involved in organizing this so that they wont be disappointed.but God once again proved me wrong ..there were not 10 ,not 25 ,not 45 but 67 students and the entire venue was packed .
the retreat was a really good . people were really touched .....and we can only evaluate this retreat after 6 or 7 months ...but we pray that not a single one will be lost from those who came ...I once again thank all of you who prayed for the retreat a supported us ...
with prayers
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