21st   MARCH   2003
     (  1417--1487)

   Nicholas   was born near  the  Lake  of  the  four  Cantons,  in  Switzerland.As   
a  young  man  he  was  for  some  years  a  soldier,  fighting  for  his  native  
Canton  and  rising  to  the  rank  of  a  captian.He  then  married  Dorothy  Wyss   
&  was  blessed  with   an  offspring  of  ten  children.A  respected  citizen  ,  he  
took  an  active  part  in  the  civil  and  polictical  life   of  his  country   and 
 held  office  as  councillor   and  magistrate  --all  the  while  spending   whole  
nights  in prayer.
   At  the  age  of  50,  in  1467,  after  a  vision  of  the  Blessed  Trinity,  he  
resolved  that  he  must  leave  all  and  go   away  to  live   entirely   for  
God.Having  obtained  the  consent  of   his  wife  and  arranged  the  affairs  of  
the  family, he  retired  to  the   mountains  of  solitude  of  Ranft,  where  the  
people  soon  built  him   aliitle  cell  and  chapel. Here  he  spent  the  last  
twenty  years  in  prayer  and  great  austerity  .Many  witnesses  have  testified  
that   during  those  years  he  took  neither  food  or  drink,  but  only  Holy  
   **Brother  Klaus ** as  he  was  popularly  known,  was  greatly  venerated  even  
beyond  the  swiss  border.People  high  and  low  flocked  to  his  cell  to  seek  
counsel  and  prayer. His reputation for sanctity spread, and he attracted spiritual 
students. In 1481 he was called on to mediate a dispute that threatened civil war in 
Switzerland. He succeeded in averting the conflict, then retired to his hermitage. He 
is considered by many to be the father of this country, honored by both Swiss 
Protestants and Catholics for his wisdom, holiness and work to unify Switzerland. 
   He  died  on21 March 1487 of natural causes with his wife and children at his side 
   1947 by Pope Pius XII 
   councilmen, difficult marriages, large families, magistrates, parents of large 
families, separated spouses, Switzerland 

                " O  my  Lord  and  my  God,  take  from me  all  that keeps  me  from 

                  O  my  Lord   and  my God,  give  me  all  that  brings me  nearer  
to  u,

                    O  my  Lord   and  my  God,  take  myself  from me  and  let  me  
possess  only  u..""  (prayer  of  St  Nicholas)


           the  Holy  communion---the  Holy  Eucharist..!!!!   recollect   what  
church  says.....

1392 What material food produces in our bodily life, Holy Communion wonderfully 
achieves in our spiritual life. Communion with the flesh of the risen Christ, a flesh 
"given life and giving life through the Holy Spirit,"229 preserves, increases, and 
renews the life of grace received at Baptism. This growth in Christian life needs the 
nourishment of Eucharistic Communion, the bread for our pilgrimage until the moment of 
death, when it will be given to us as viaticum. 
1393 Holy Communion separates us from sin. The body of Christ we receive in Holy 
Communion is "given up for us," and the blood we drink "shed for the many for the 
forgiveness of sins." For this reason the Eucharist cannot unite us to Christ without 
at the same time cleansing us from past sins and preserving us from future sins: 

1394 As bodily nourishment restores lost strength, so the Eucharist strengthens our 
charity, which tends to be weakened in daily life; and this living charity wipes away 
venial sins.231 By giving himself to us Christ revives our love and enables us to 
break our disordered attachments to creatures and root ourselves in him: ( Catechism 
of  catholic  church)
** the  more  ur  life  unfolds  completely  at  the  foot  of  the  tabernacle  ,  in 
 intimate  union  with  Jesus  in  the  Eucharist  ,  the  more  u  grow  in  
holiness**( Our  Lady`s  message  on Aug  21st  1987)


**O Jesus ! Who for love of me, 
Didst bear Thy Cross to Calvary ; 
In Thy sweet mercy grant to me 
To suffer & die with Thee...** 

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