I have come to love the Way of the cross (now that I don't have to get-up at
6:00am to attend it) through the past 2 or 3 Lenten seasons I've been in
Seattle. In our parish, on Fridays there is a communal soup supper (for many
of us that is the breaking of fast) after the 5:30pm daily mass. After that,
we have the communal Stations of the Cross, Benediction, and all night
Adoration.  The ones we usually use are adapted from St. Alphonsus
Liguori's. It is quite simple, but just wonderful. If you can't get the
booklet for it here is a link:

Last year while I was preparing for one of the week's I came across one
According to our Holy Father. The meditation were written by our Holy Father
for the Stations of the Cross in the colosseum on Good Friday 2000. For me
this was one of the most thought provoking and most meditative of the
Stations of the Cross I came across. In the US, Paline press had printed it,
but here is the link for it:

Have a Blessed and Fruitful Lent.

Alex Edezhath

----- Original Message -----
From: "Sanju Joseph" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, March 20, 2003 9:27 AM
Subject: [JOYnet] Way of the Cross - A Beautiful Catholic Devotion.

> Dear Bros and Sis,
>       The Way of the Cross is a beautiful devotion
> given to us by the Catholic Church . During this lent
> season; as we are steadfastly observing our fasting
> and other prayers I urge you dear brothers and sisters
> to include the Way of the Cross as part of your
> prayers. It is powerful,assuring and gives one a new
> hope of Resurrection and Strength. Last 2 weeks
> was so tight and hectic for me with the design of a
> new project. And above all this; I felt a pain
> somewhere bcos of some people and situations. I was
> struggling with this pain when the Holy Spirit put
> into my mind something which one of my cousin advised
> me years before. He was saying - " When you
> have overwhelming problems around you, do not struggle
> with it. Discern whether the Lord wants you to take up
> that cross and follow him. If so ask for more strength
> from the Lord to carry the cross and then you will
> find
> your cross very light". And then I started the Way of
> the Cross(in Prayer). Oh Boy! That made a real change
> in my life and I was smiling at my problems in
> victory. There was no let up in problems ! But God
> gave me the strength to carry the cross! And also to
> snub at it by comparing the triviality of the same
> with the passion of our Lord as described in the
> stations of the Way of the Cross!
>             The Way of the Cross taught me to
> experience the pain that Jesus went thru station by
> station - the terrible wounds inflicted by the
> soldiers, the thorns that tore his flesh, the weight
> of the cross over his shoulders, the insulting
> language of the soldiers, the way he fell down
> bleeding his knees, the crucifixion.. Huge sufferings
> which I had to undergo; but thankfully transferred to
> His own Son by God ! I try to be among those women and
> kind people who were following Jesus in the way to
> Calvary along with Mother Mary....
>         The second point is that it taught me a lot.
> Lord Jesus was quiet, resolved and humbly agreeing to
> Gods will.  He knew that there was Resurrection. He
> forgives those who who hurts him. He does not forgets
> His mother even when under tremendous sufferings and
> dedicated her to the care of His trusted disciple. And
> it taught me more about His boundless love...
> Looking for rewards from heaven ... ? A regular
> devotion to the Way of the Cross is an assured way.
> Here are some of the promises the Lord Himself gave
> to Brother Estanislao (1903-1927) regarding the Way of
> Cross.
> 1. I'll grant everything that's asked of Me with
> Faith, when making The Way of The Cross.
> 2. I promise Eternal Life to those who pray from time
> to time, The Way of The Cross.
> 3. I'll follow them everywhere in life and I'll help
> them, especially at the hour of death.
> 4. Even if they have more sins than blades of grass in
> the fields, and grains of sand in the sea, all of them
> will be erased by The Way of The Cross. (Note: This
> promise doesn't eliminate the obligation to confess
> all
> mortal sins, and this, before we can receive Holy
> Communion.)
> 5. Those who pray The Way of The Cross often, will
> have a special glory in Heaven.
> 6. I'll deliver them from Purgatory, indeed if they go
> there at all, the first Tuesday or Friday after their
> death.
> 7. I'll bless them at each Way of The Cross, and My
> blessing will follow them everywhere on earth and,
> after their death, in Heaven for all eternity.
> 8. At the hour of death I won't permit the devil to
> tempt them; I'll lift all power from him in order that
> they'll repose tranquilly in My Arms.
> 9. If they pray it with true love, I'll make of each
> one of them a living Ciborium in which it will please
> Me to pour My grace.
> 10. I'll fix My Eyes on those who pray The Way of The
> Cross often; My hands will always be open to protect
> them.
> 11. As I am nailed to the Cross, so also will I always
> be with those who honour Me in making The Way of The
> Cross frequently.
> 12. They'll never be able to separate themselves from
> Me, for I'll give them the grace never again to commit
> a mortal sin.
> 13. At the hour of death I'll console them with My
> Presence and we'll go together to Heaven. Death will
> be sweet to all those who have honoured Me
> during their lives by praying The Way of The Cross.
> 14. My Soul will be a protective shield for them, and
> will always help them, whenever they have recourse.
> So Joynet; lets Join Jesus by making the Way of the
> Cross a part of our daily prayers... May God bless and
> make this Lent a special one. And do keep
> me in you prayers.
> Love and Prayers
> Sanju
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