Dear ALLLLLL.......
Thank you ever so much for your prayers. The christeen talk went just
fine.(atleast for me...
u'll hve to ask the kids if they slept through it or not)
I woke up with a terrible sorethroat & head ache in the morning & 
while at my desk I said "Lord, U want me to speak to them or what???!!!"
Sorethroat disappeared.(the devil's such a cunning chap! he works with
microbes too)
I am also a nutty kind of person, the kind who walks into walls...u
Very forgetful!! and Sijo told me last week that the timing for cristeen
was 6:30pm
and during the week it evolved into 7:30 in my mind.
so I was still at my desk at 6:15.When my uncle said "hey arent u going
for cristeen meeting?
Its at 6:30?" I said "say WAT?"
At six TWENTY NINE. i was ready for home still though... 5
minutes drive to church
& the meeting. the talk was scheduled for 7.
I had a jumble of points printed in my hand (on paper,.. not on my
hand)coz i sometimes go 
berserk in front of a crowd.
and today i was real worried that i might do just that...
but things went smooth...
and the first thing i said after... was "Praise GOD"
And the next thing was "i've got to thank the joynetters..."
SO thankyou. 
urs in christ JESUS
Abu Dhabi
P.s: last week sijo introduced me to joynet as the youngest member!!!
I'm 23! am i really 
the youngest????  Gotta go.I think I burnt the potatoes.again!

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