Dear friends,

             As a human being and a Christian the present war of America is
fully injustice and it is definitely wrong action. I am always wondering
when seeing lot of e-mails referring the term 'judgement' or ' do not
judge'. People making opinions about different issues. As Christinas we
should have strong opinions regarding current issues of the world. It is our

    That is the reason our dear Pope not only urge his faithful for fasting
& prayer against war, undoubtfully he critisize the action of United States.
It is the true spirit of our pope against the evils of the world. The
official spokesman of Vatican recentely commented: America and its alliances
resposnsible for each killing and they are liable to pay the penality of the
May the Good Lord strengthen His Servant to enlighten the world with His
love and peace.

This Lenten I am thinking about 3 sisters in Bagdad ( Members of Missionaris
of Charity). Last week they didn't go for the Mass for the sake of chidren
in their Love Home. That is the real prayer and sacrifice.

Sindhu sister wrote about silent killing --- abortion. In Iraq 100's of
abortion cases reported,due to the fear and big sounds( heavey sounds due to

When I am looking my 6 month old Gracemol--- I am very concern about her
minute problems. No need of explanation. all of us know very well...... In
Iraq 100's of innocent wounded children suffering.... not even getting
medicine and food.....

As unexpected Iraq killed so many soldiers and caught many as war prisoners.
Suddenly the public support come down from 71% to 38 %. I am not blaming the
us people. I am also included in that category. When I saw the dead bodies
of British soldiers I feel so sad .I realized I am a short minded person.
Compared to Iraqi killings , much more concern about us. I am far way from
the Good Samaritan...... This is my Lenten prayer: Lord give me power to
reduce the distance from the
good Samaritan.... Give me an open mind in order to see everyone as your
sons and daughters.

Lord Jesus I truly belive US doing real terrorism, real violence and crime.
This is absolutely war of business....   Lord Jesus Have Mercy on Us......
Have mecry on America... Have mercy on Iraq......

Prayers & love
Jose Kuriakose--- Bahrain

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