Hi JOYnetters

This bit of news is interesting.
Let's pray for peace and no war

God Bless
Giju George
Chennai, India

Tuesday April 1, 8:21 PM

U.S. Marines seek God in Iraqi wilderness
By Matthew Green 

NEAR NASSARIYA, Iraq (Reuters) - A U.S. Marine clasps Father Divine's hands as he 
makes his confession, a rare moment of intimacy in the midst of a war zone. 

"May all your sins be absolved," the priest replies softly, the rest of his words lost 
in the roar of passing military trucks. 

The two men stand still for several minutes in a tiny oasis of tranquility that 
belongs to a different world from the nearby machine-gun nests or attack helicopters 
swooping overhead. 

As war grinds on in Iraq, some of the American troops are turning to God. 

For some, the death of comrades has made them aware of their own mortality. Others 
seek spiritual consolation for the pain of months of separation from their loved ones. 

A few worry that their orders might force them to commit a sin in the eyes of God -- a 
particular concern in a war that has already killed many civilians. 

"I don't want the Lord to be angry with me for doing what I'm told, I want to make 
sure this is the right thing that we're doing," said the Marine, named Angel, after 
giving his first confession in four years. 

"I don't want my little spot in heaven to be taken away because I did this," said the 
23-year-old Private First Class, clutching a rosary by the muddy Iraqi roadside. 

Divine, whose radio call sign is "Holy Roller", is one of a handful of Catholic 
priests tending to thousands of U.S. Marines in the invasion force. There are also 
Protestant chaplains. 

Many Marines may shun the idea of becoming "fox hole converts", but Divine said 
attendance at masses had increased, and more troops were asking him to pray with them. 


"There's a greater hunger, a greater wanting to understand their faith, a greater 
appreciation of their need for God and God's love for them," Divine told Reuters after 
conducting a mass behind a command tent northwest of Nassariya. 

"I love what I do, I've never felt so alive, so energised, so needed," said the 
55-year-old priest from Boston, who is Chaplain of the Seventh Marine Regiment. 

M-16 rifles pointed skywards as some 20 Marines clad in combat gear and flak jackets 
bowed their heads in contemplation, listening to Divine's prayers for their safety. 

Singing with a clear voice, Divine coaxed them into a chorus of "We are the Light of 
the World", a haunting sound in a place where the thud of artillery and clank of 
armoured vehicles provide the more everyday soundtrack. 

Mass was performed using a fold-up military-issue altar and plastic bottles of holy 
water, which Divine ferries between units in a Humvee vehicle. With his ready smile 
and firm handshake, the energetic priest is a great source of comfort. 

"Usually we're too preoccupied with going out or watching football," said Sergeant 
David Banda, 26, attending the mass. 

"Out here you tend to get scared and think about God more often," he said. 

The priest does not carry a weapon, but wore a combat helmet to ward off the sun 
during the ceremon. He sports the Marines' camouflage chemical warfare outfit under 
his white robe. 

Pope John Paul II in Rome has spoken out strongly against the war in Iraq, but 
Catholics in the ranks said they would follow their more immediate superiors. 

"In the Marine Corps, you don't really have a conscience of your own. Someone tells 
you what to do, that's something that's engraved in you when you went to Boot Camp," 
said Private First Class Julius Wagner, 21, who said he had been training to be a monk 
before joining the Marines. 

"I can't change my mind, I'm going to follow the leaders I have here because that's 
the life I lead now," he said. 

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