Dear All,

Hope you have heard about the epidemic in Singapore - Severe Acute Respiratory
Syndrome (SARS). This is a type of atypical pneumonia originated from China
and was brought to Singapore by three travellers from Hong Kong. Five people
in Singapore have already died of this. This is an air borne disease and
research is ongoing to find a cure. All the schools here are closed for two
weeks. Now the situation seems to be under control.

One hospital here is identified exclusively for SARS patients only. Some of
the nurses and doctors attended to the patients also have been infected even
though they had worn masks and gloves etc. Many malayalee nurses (including
JYs)  work in that hospital. One of them was infected but have recovered

Please pray for all the people affected by this decease. Specially pray for
all the medical staff, JYs and Malayalam prayer group members working in those
hospitals. Also pray for the early containment of this decease.

Sirach 38:9 "My Child, when you are ill, do not delay but pray to the Lord,
and He will heal you."
Mathew 15:30b, 31b "They put them at his feet and he cured them.....and they
praised the God of Israel.

With Love and Prayers

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