On Wednesday, April 04, 2007 11:04 AM CircleFusion <> said:

> I dunno if the title of this thread makes sense, but the higher-ups
> want to know if I can have a table like this...
> <img
src="http://www.circlefusion.com/projects/ge/table_sort_example.gif"; />
> where one of the rows is attached to another one and is not included
> in the sort. I'm pretty sure that just about anything can be done if
> you throw enough code at it, but I'm also sort of doubtful that this
> can be pulled off very easily. Any feedback or ideas would be
> appreciated.
> I've thought about alternative ways to display the admin notes for
> each record. If you have suggestions for that as well, I'll certainly
> read them :-)

I don't know how to do this but I think the approach I would take (until
I found something better) would be to build your table out of a
multi-level array. You could easily sort the top level without sorting
the children. You could then recursively go thorugh your array and build
your table.


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