I wrap each thumbnail with a link:

<a href="javascript:;" id="tnLink01"><img src="thumbnail01.jpg"
alt="" /></a>

This is the amateurish jQuery code I've conjured up:

$("a#tnLink01").click(function() {

I'll need one of these functions for every thumbnail and that seems
wrong somehow, so I'd really appreciate any helpfil tips and
strategies for switching a larger image when clicking thumnails.

You could make your css query less specific.
You could also automatically generate a large image url based on the content of your thumbnail ie.

$("div.thumbnails img").click(function() {
var large_img = $(this).attr('src').split(".").shift() + '_large.jpg' //gets image src part before period, adds suffix

Above example is simple and assumes image on has 1 period in it!

Hope that helps,

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