Dojo has a curry function.

On Apr 17, 2007, at 8:30 AM, Klaus Hartl wrote:

Glen Lipka schrieb:
On 4/16/07, *Sean Catchpole* <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:
    Interesting find Karl, Thanks
    I'm still trying to see if I can find a graceful way to implement
    curried functions, but that method is elegant in it's own sense.
Does this have something to do with Indian food?
Seriously though, if you send me the code sample, I will put it up as a showdown right away. Then all you need to do is get some other library samples.

Not neccessarily does that have to do with libraries, but maybe one or the other provides a currying helper?

I really think it's valuable to have a library of comparisons. Its not all about "which is better". It's about "what is the difference?"
Well, I'm trying to focus on that anyway.

I have some micro task I'd find interesting: I'd like to fix quotations in IE which lacks the necessary CSS support for the following CSS:

/* Specify pairs of quotes for two levels */
q {
    quotes: "\"" "\"" "'" "'";
q:before {
    content: open-quote;
q:after {
    content: close-quote;

What I came up with jQuery is this:

$(function() {

    // fix quotations...
    var INNER_Q_CLASS = 'innerq';
    $('q q').append('\'').prepend('\'').addClass(INNER_Q_CLASS);
    $('q:not(.' + INNER_Q_CLASS + ')').append('"').prepend('"');


Forget about browser sniffing for the moment (or maybe not?). At that time I didn't know better how to handle nested <q>s, but I'm sure there is a better way than attaching a class for filtering... jquery/

Cheers, Klaus

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