Moving to addEventListener and attachEvent is on the todo list. When
will it be done? Soon :)

It will involve a lot of regression testing to make sure we don't
cause any problems in the transition.

Brandon Aaron

On 4/17/07, mdelmarter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi John and all,

I am using Ext with jQuery which is working perfectly together -
except in one area. There is an issue with the Calendar when moving
between months, it basically moves one month and then the onclick
event no longer works. This issue is documented on the Ext forums and
seems to be a problem with jQuery using legacy event handlers instead
of addEventListener / attachEvent.

I am wondering if there is any movement on this issue John? Is there
likely to be a resolution or should I forget about using the Ext
Calendar? Does anybody else have a fix that can be used here?

To read about the issues on the Ext forums:

To see an example of the issue I have a calendar buried in a blog
entry on my site - open the sample application by clicking on the
screenshot and then click on the dropdown menu button. You will see
that moving between months stops working after the first click. The
sample app was built with Ext 1.0 Beta 2, but nothing has changed
since then:

An update on this topic would be appreciated :)


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