Jörn Zaefferer schrieb:
Another issue is Opera insisting on submitting the form when pressing
enter, even with event.preventDefault() called at the right moment, at
least it works in IE and Firefox. Anyone got an idea how that can be
I've never been able to fix that, but it's been a while since I looked
into it, and I've hardly had any response from Opera users (my users
are mostly IE/FF with a pinch of Safari).

I wonder if Opera does something like not register the event until the
keypress event--which would happen after a keydown event. This might explain
why it keep firing.

You might see what happens if you add a keypress event to cancel submit on
enter and see what happens.
Okay, I'll check keypress, thanks.
Seems like its enough to bind the keypress event...........

Jörn Zaefferer


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