Hi Markus,

Thanks for taking the time to reply - good to get some feedback. I
agree with most of your comments, and once would have felt the same as
you did. The reality is that once I started using Ext which added a
lot of weight to my
JS and CSS, that I found the loading of iframes had a noticable lag. I
tried most of the techniques mentioned in the article, including
trying to force the browser caching. The injection technique has
offered a noticable speed increase when actually using the app and it
works across all browsers I have tried so far.

With regard to working with dynamically generated iframes - yes I have
had issues in the past as well, but from memory it was related to the
way I was referencing them. From example I think I was getting issues
when trying to call functions in an iframe using the iframe ID - which
Internet Explorer did not like for iframes added to the DOM after page
load. I now reference by NAME instead and have had no problems. There
have been other challenges, but none of them major and all of them
solved so far. But that is a slightly different topic :)

Thanks once again for the feedback. I am still in "testing" mode so
will keep your comments in mind...


Markus Peter wrote:

> On 17.04.2007, at 19:21, mdelmarter wrote:
> >
> > Hi all,
> >
> > I have been using Ext and jQuery for a few weeks now. One issue with
> > this combination is the sheer volume of JavaScript and CSS that needs
> > to be used. Because I am working with a large application I have been
> > experiementing with different techniques to improve performance,
> > minimizing the download of JS and CSS. To read about my experiences
> > and a new technique I am using you can view explanations and examples
> > on my blog:
> > http://matthew.delmarters.com/weblog/injecting-javascript-and-css-
> > into-iframes/
> Hi
> Not meant as an offense, but you asked for feedback :-)
> I've read the blog entry but I'm entirely unsure about the real
> benefit of it. My experiences so far with using scripts across
> frames, especially dynamically written iframes, is really bad. It
> will usually work for 95% of your users but I experienced bad timing
> issues with 5% of the rest. It's really a pain to debug those, if you
> care to have serve your page to those 5%.
> It might be that your solution does not have those problems - I have
> not tested it (and actually, my computer is not as broken as those of
> those 5% of our customers, so I could not even test it), but I'm
> always wary of all kinds of iframe hacks and use them only if I
> absolutely must.
> Also, the main benefit you're advertising seems to be decreased
> download times, but a proper webserver setup (especially the use of
> the Expires HTTP header) and combining all stylesheets and scripts at
> the server side will already give you most of the speed boost anyway
> - maybe an even higher speed boost if proxies are involed and your
> main HTML page is not properly cacheable - and there's no caching
> issue either with "versioned URLs" (e.g. putting a timestamp in the
> script and CSS URLs)
> If I've not overlooked something, you basically eliminated the TCP
> overhead for the two additional connections (if Keep-Alive is not
> used on the server....) but I'm not sure the price is not too high
> for that.
> It's a nice hack, but I'm unsure whether I would want to use such a
> hack.
> --
> Markus Peter - [EMAIL PROTECTED]                      http://www.spin-ag.de/
> SPiN AG, Bischof-von-Henle-Str. 2b, 93051 Regensburg, HRB 6295
> Regensburg
> Aufsichtsratsvors.: Dr. Christian Kirnberger
> Vorstände: Fabian Rott, Paul Schmid

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