Thanks, guys!  :)

On Apr 19, 2007, at 1:45 PM, Ariel Jakobovits wrote:

me too

----- Original Message ----
From: Christopher Jordan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, April 19, 2007 10:27:05 AM
Subject: [jQuery] Re: ThickBox question

Hey Theo that's pretty cool! I like the site. :o)


Theo Welch wrote:

Hi All,

I happened upon your discussion below.

Just FYI, I have a customized Thickbox running on this photography exhibit:


On Apr 19, 2007, at 10:36 AM, Christopher Jordan wrote:


Thanks heaps for sharing! I'll look at this in more detail later
today, and holler if I have questions (if that's okay) :o)


Rob Desbois wrote:
I also got put off jqModal initially, mainly because the TB styling
was very nice but jqModal you have to put the effort in to get
looking right.
I created my own wrapper function around jqModal:
/* Creates a jqModal window and appends it to the body.
* @param idPrefix The prefix to attach to elements' IDs. The window
div will have _jqmWindow appended to the prefix, the close button
will have _jqmClose, and the title span will have _jqmTitle appended.
These IDs may be used to alter behaviours, styles and content as
* @param content The window's HTML content.
* @param jqmOptions The options to pass to $.jqm() when setting the
div up as a jqModal window.
function CreateJQModalWindow(idPrefix, jqmOptions, content)
   $( "<div id='"+idPrefix+"_jqmWindow' class='jqmWindow'>" +
         "<div style='height:100%'>" +
            "<div class='jqmTitle'>" +
               "<a id='"+idPrefix+"_jqmClose' href='#'
class='jqmClose'></a>" +
               "<span id='"+idPrefix+"_jqmTitle'></span>" +
            "</div>" +
            "<div class='jqmBody'>"+content+"</div>" +
         "</div>" +
      .hover(function() {$(this).addClass("jqmCloseInverse");},
function() {$(this).removeClass("jqmCloseInverse");})
      .click(function() {$("#"+idPrefix+"_jqmWindow").jqmHide()});
I then use that like this:
CreateJQModalWindow('window1', {closeClass:false, trigger:false,
   "<div>The HTML content of my window</div>");
I created the prefix option so that I can have multiple windows
existing on a page (although only one would be visible - it just
saves on recreating them ecah time). The window can be shown and
hidden with:
And to top all of that off, this is my CSS:
div.jqmWindow {position:absolute; top:50%; height:200px;
margin-top:-100px; left:50%; width:300px; margin-left:-150px;
background:url(/images/jqmodal-bg.gif) repeat; border:2px solid
/* Background iframe styling for IE6. Prevents ActiveX bleed- through
(<select> form elements, etc.) */
* iframe.jqm {position:absolute; top:0; left:0; z-index:-1; width:
expression(this.parentNode.offsetWidth + 'px'); height:
expression(this.parentNode.offsetHeight + 'px')}
.jqmTitle {margin:0; padding:0 3px; font-family:Arial,sans-serif;
font-size:12px; font-weight:bold; border-bottom:thin solid #aaa;
line-height:21px; color:#3341bf; background:#e8eaff}
.jqmBody {padding:4px}
.jqmBody * {margin:2px}
.jqmClose {float:right; height:16px; width:16px; margin-top:3px;
background:url('/images/syncwatch- close.gif')}
.jqmCloseInverse {background:url('/images/syncwatch-close- inverse.gif')}
.jqmOverlay {background-color:#e8eaff}
My jqmodal-bg.gif is just a faint background patterning. The two
close buttons for normal and hover (inverse) are 16x16 images.
I hope all of that helps! There can be quite a bit more work to use
and style jqModal, but it is designed to be played with where TB is
designed to be ready to go and used as-is.
On 4/18/07, *Christopher Jordan* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:
    While I was looking into this, I did spend quite a while at the
    jQModal site
looking at it. I can't off-hand remember why I didn't choose it.
    Maybe you could
    share with me a few code snippets showing what you've done with
    jQModal. I'm
interested, as I've started hacking up the thickBox code and css to
    achieve some
    styalistic aims.
    Rob Desbois wrote:
No problem.
Also, fwiw I ended up migrating to jqModal instead of thickbox.
My reasoning was that despite TB being a very good plugin, it's
    not that
customisable without hacking up the code. Whilst I achieved
what I
wanted through hacking the plugin, I realised that jqModal was
to be a customisable window plugin, whereas TB is supposed to
be far
closer to Lightbox and is not so easily manipulated in terms of
behaviour and content as jqModal.

Just my feeling on it, and as I said it is a very good plugin,
    but it's
worth thinking early on about which one is more suitable for your
Have fun with it!


On 4/18/07, *Chris Jordan* < [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
    <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>> wrote:


    That is essentially what I ended up doing. I got busy with
    the coding
    so I didn't have time to update this thread, but that is
    exactly what
    I ended up doing.

    Thanks for the help though! :o)


    On Apr 18, 3:51 am, Klaus Hartl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
    <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>> wrote:
Chris Jordan schrieb:

Hi folks,

I've searched the archives, but didn't find what I was
    for. So
if this has already been discussed and someone can point
    me to
    the old
thread, that'd be awesome. Otherwise:

Is it possible to trigger the opening of a thickbox
    without a
    link? In
other words, I want to do this:

    open.thickbox.somehow (url, width, height, etc, etc,



You could hijack a link with trigger for that... If the
    link has


Don't know if that helps.

-- Klaus

Rob Desbois
    <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>
Tel: 01452 760631
Mob: 07946 705987
"There's a whale there's a whale there's a whale fish" he cried,
    and the
whale was in full view.
...Then ooh welcome. Ahhh. Ooh mug welcome.
--Rob Desbois
Tel: 01452 760631
Mob: 07946 705987
"There's a whale there's a whale there's a whale fish" he cried, and
the whale was in full view.
...Then ooh welcome. Ahhh. Ooh mug welcome.



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